Chap 12

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"So... how are you these days?" Phuwin asked and took a sip from his iced americano.

"I'm good.... life also looks good these days. I mean, I don't have to work as Fourth didn't let me. He even asked me if I want to study further," Gemini said.

"That's great... what did you say?" Phuwin asked excitedly.

"I said I'll think about it," Gemini said, playing with the straw of his cold coffee.

"What's there to think about, Gem? You should have said yes. You always wanted to study further, right? That time you had financial problems, but now you can do it. Fourth is there to support you."

Gemini sighed and looked up at Phuwin. "Phu, Fourth is so good to me, and I don't even know why he is already paying mom's hospital bills. I just don't want to pressure him more."

"He's your husband, Gem. What's there to pressure? That guy is rich as hell, Gemini. What's wrong with you? He's one of the hottest businessmen in Thailand. I swear to God, if I had a husband like that, I would buy a new car every month," Phuwin said, scolding him.

Gemini rolled his eyes at him. "That guy is so weird. You will not believe me, one day he brought this cat home, saying that I would not be lonely when he's in the office. Then the next day, he got jealous because the cat was being clingy to me, and then he sent the cat away," Gemini said as he held his head in the palm of his hand.

Phuwin blinked a few times before bursting out laughing. "This dude is crazy," he said, holding his stomach.

"I know, right," Gemini sighed.

"What about you? I rarely see you these days. Why did you ask me to meet you? You said you wanted to talk about something important," Gemini asked as he leaned on the table, his arms folded.

"Well, actually, I want to ask you something. I need a suggestion," Phuwin asked, hesitating.

"What is it?"

"So there is this guy who's been hitting on me for a month, and I'm thinking of giving him-"

"A month..." Gemini said, cutting him off, "...and you're telling me this now? Oh, come on Phuwin, you should have told me sooner... we're besties. If a guy hits on you, you should tell me first."

"I know, dude... it's like it happened so fast, and you just got married, so I didn't want to disturb your honeymoon phase."

"Hello, guys," someone said, interrupting them.

They both looked up at the owner of the voice, and it was Dew. Phuwin rolled his eyes and leaned back in the chair.

"Hello, Phi... What are you doing here?" Gemini asked.

"Oh, I just work nearby, so I came here to grab a coffee. If you don't mind, can I join you?" Dew asked, flashing a smile at Gemini.

"No, there are plenty of empty tables. Why do you want to sit with us?" Phuwin said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Phuwin," Gemini glared at him.

"What?" he mouthed at him.

Suddenly, Gemini's phone rang. It looked like it was from the hospital. He hadn't visited his mom today, so maybe she had asked them to call. He picked it up.

But he froze at what he heard from the other side. His pupils started shaking in fear. Phuwin and Dew shared a look of concern. Gemini panicked and abruptly stood up.

"What happened, Gem? Is everything alright?" Phuwin asked, standing up concerned.

"They said... they said mom-" Gemini said, as his hand fell to his side.

"I need to go..." Gemini panicked and stumbled on his feet. Dew held him.

"Let's take my car," Dew said, and Gemini nodded.

On the way, Phuwin called Fourth. He didn't really want Dew to drive them, but what can he do? It's an emergency. A cab takes time, and why the hell did he choose to send his car for service on this day out of all days?

When they arrived at the hospital, they came to know that Neeta was already in the operating theater. Phuwin was having a conversation with the nurse. Gemini was sitting on the bench outside, his face in the palm of his hands as he sobbed. Dew put his hand on Gemini's shoulder and caressed it, but that didn't help Gemini.

When Gemini heard footsteps, he looked up to see Fourth running towards them.

"What happened?" Fourth asked, catching his breath.

Gemini stood up and hugged Fourth tightly. "Fourth, what took you so long?" he said between sobs. Dew clenched his hands in a loss of touch.

"I'm sorry... it's okay... I'm here now," Fourth stroked his hair softly.

They heard the OR door open, and the doctor came out. He removed the mask from his face and sighed.

"I'm sorry to inform you, Gemini, but despite our best efforts, your mother couldn't overcome the complications."

"What do you mean?" Gemini asked, stunned.

"Gemini, the doctor is saying your mother is no longer with us," Fourth said, placing a comforting hand on Gemini's shoulder.

"No... no, this can't be happening," Gemini said in shock.

"I understand this is incredibly difficult. We did everything we could, but her condition worsened."

Gemini turned around to look at Fourth, overwhelmed by grief, his eyes swollen and red, tears rolling down his cheeks. Fourth's eyes were teary; he tried so hard not to break down in front of Gemini. He needs to be strong to be here for the person who he loved the most.

"I'll give you some time alone. If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to reach out," the doctor said, and Fourth nodded.

Gemini broke down and cried in Fourth's arms. "She's gone, Fourth. I can't believe she's gone," he cried hard, his grip tight on Fourth's shirt.

"Gemini, sometimes life is just painfully unfair. We're here for you," Fourth said as he massaged Gemini's back, unable to hide his own tears anymore.

"I... I didn't even get to say goodbye. Why didn't I visit her today? It's all my fault."

"No, it's not your fault, it's not... I'm here for you. We'll get through this together," Fourth said softly.

"Let's go see her," Fourth said, caressing his nape. They both entered the OR.

Phuwin sat down next to Dew and sobbed. He looked over at Dew, who was deep in his thoughts.

"Um... I'm sorry for what happened to her," Dew said, playing with his fingers.

"Hmm... thank you for helping us today... but it doesn't mean that I'll forgive you for what you did to Gemini," Phuwin said, wiping his tears.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. I know you want Gemini back, but his comfort is in Fourth's arms, the comfort you never gave him. You dated him in secret because you were afraid people would talk badly about you.

You never even took him on a date, and after a month, you just disappeared on him. You know how much he needed you at that time. He told you about his father, right? Yet, you did nothing on that day when you saw him beating Gemini. You ran from there like a coward.

Anyways.. all he needed was a comforting embrace from you in his hardest times, but instead, you left him."

"Phuwin, I know I did wrong, and I'm sorry for that... but seeing Gemini with someone else..." Dew paused and looked down as he clenched his hands into a fist.

"I'm thankful that you helped us today, but if your intentions are something else, then please leave and never let me see you near Gemini again."

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