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As I walked down the halls I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I immediately knew who it was.

As I turned to face her, i saw Kiley's cheeks, they were light pink as she smiled back at me.

'How are you today, Drew?'

I shrugged and yawned. Giving her a questioning look as if asking about her state.

She grinned. 'I'm doing good.'

I opened the door to our classroom and let Kiley pass in first, me following. The door slid closed by itself. We took our seats as class began.

"Goodmorning, class," our teacher greeted us with a smile. "On friday, I left you all with an assignment."

Oh, shoot. I didn't do it. But, who gives homework for the weekends? That's just wrong.

I always do my homeworks, but this time I was so caught up with learning signs, that I forgot.

"Andrew," the teacher's voice snapped me from my thoughts. "Your homework." I looked up at her and shook my head. She gave me a disappointed look.

Brushing passed me, she took the paper from the boy behind me.

I huffed and took out the unanswered sheet from bag. So many exercises to answer in so little time.

Kiley turned around, giving me a worried look. I signed to her. 


She licked her lips and signed back.

'My help?'

I gave her a look. 'Yes, why not? You're good at this.'


She turned the sheet to the side so the both of us could read it. Then I started answering them. Sometimes she took the pencil from me and erased my errors, making me try again.

Throughout all the class, our teacher just looked at us.

Once we finished, I stood up and took the paper with me, walking towards the teacher's desk. I placed the paper in front of her and gave her a sorry look.

"I'll let it pass this time, Andrew, but next time you're leaving with a zero on the assignment. Understood?"

"Yes, miss."

Her eyes scanned the paper, an approving look on her face. She nodded and gave me all the points.

"You know," she said as she gave me the paper. "You and Kiley make a pretty good team." She smiled at me.

I felt the tip of my ears burn slightly at her comment and I took a quick glance at Kiley.

"Yeah, I guess we do."

(#1) The Girl Who Couldn't Hear | ✓Where stories live. Discover now