16.6K 688 176

Hey fellow readers! :)

How have ya'll been? :3
I'm doing fine. (Currently stressing 'cause of school...)

Well, I have two important questions for you guys.

1) Should I re-enter this book to the Wattys 2016?

2) If I do, would you guys vote for it and/or re-read this?

Please comment your answers. It would mean a lot to me.

Ps: OMG 103k views, I can't believe my flipping eyes!!!!! *thanks you all and gives out cookies*

Pps: I AM WRITING AN EPILOGUE. *giggles* yay!


Update: just entered the Watty's 2016. Thank you all who commented! Means a lot. :) ♡ Happy reading. Xoxo.

Second update: I was just reading this now (June 30, 2016) and wow! things have changed a lot; I have more followers (I LOVE YOU ALL), this book reached over 400k views! ♡, and I've entered the Wattys2016! ✰

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