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Back at the hotel, Yulong soaked himself in the pond and reached out to stroke his forehead, it was not easy for Nima to make money.

"Tick... The S99 Plane Merchant sent you a message. The electronic sound in my head sounded again.

Yulong connected listlessly, and a long-haired man in a white robe appeared in front of him, with a green temperament, like an immortal, and suddenly saw such a fairy-like figure, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned, and immediately checked the man's identity information: Host Name: Zhai Luo



Host Level: 10

Reduced Host Points: 108

Host Reputation: 108

Nima! It's really sleepy to send a pillow! Yulong immediately came to his senses, and almost the whole person threw himself into the screen to kneel and lick, "Great Immortal!"

Zhai Luo hooked his lips and smiled, and asked interestingly: "Why are you so happy to see me?"

"I hit it off with you at first sight, haha..." Yulong laughed dryly, and then asked stammeringly, "Daxian, do you have any invisibility charms or anything like that to sell me a few?"

"This is easy," a stack of yellow rune paper immediately appeared out of thin air in Zhai Luo's hand, "Xiaoyou is a mortal, these few rune papers don't need to be urged by spiritual power," said Yi Yi from □□the window to Yulong, "When you use it, you just need to tear open a corner of the paper rune and put it close to your body."

Yulong hurriedly pulled out a towel and quickly dried his hands, and held a few thin pieces of talisman paper in his hand as if he had obtained a treasure, Nima, this is a life talisman!

"Thank you, Daisen, is there anything you need?"

"Is there a game console over there?" Zhai Luo bought a game console last time in a low-tech plane, but when he came out of retreat, there was no scum, his spirit pet Yihu innocently said that he didn't know anything, but a pair of fat front paws shrank back uneasily, what did he not understand when he looked at its shruggedness? He didn't get angry, just buy another one.

Game? Yulong was stunned, it seems that there is really no such thing, now people play games with game helmets into the universe network, but antique dealers should have light brains, and downloading games with light brains is the same to play, it's a big deal that he spends a little more money, he has money now!

Yulong logged in to the universe network with his personal terminal, found an antique shop on Kola Star, spent a thousand credits to shoot the light brain, and asked the boss to help him download the game by the way, and then looked up and said to Zhai Luo, "Daxian wait a minute, it will be delivered in half an hour."

"It's okay," Zhai Luo smiled and looked at Yulong, who was almost □□ standing in the pond, his face condensed slightly, "I look at Xiaoyou's complexion, it seems that there are signs of poisoning?"

"Daxian, you can also see this?" The immortal cultivator is really sharp-eyed, Yulong immediately complained to the great immortal with a wide noodle face, "Daxian, don't you know, in our place, everything we eat contains a X toxin balabala..."

After hearing this, Zhai Luo showed sympathy, and took out a storage bag and gave it to Yulong, "There is a bottle of Yulu Pill in the jade bottle inside, you can remove the toxins in your body by eating one pill, and there are some fruits with low spiritual power, although Xiaoyou is a mortal, eating half a grain can also make it, it can strengthen the body and repair the damaged meridians in your body, but remember not to overdo it, otherwise you will die violently."

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