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Qianqian Novel Network > Reborn Interstellar Plane Merchant > 62|Lost|Recovered

62|Lost and Found

Author: Ming RuolanReturn to Table of ContentsAdd Bookmark to recommend this book

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Qianqian Novel Network www.qqxsw.tv, the fastest update of the reborn interstellar plane merchant!

"What kind of traveling doctor, isn't it the middle of the rivers and lakes? Over the years, the eldest young master of my family has been looking for doctors to treat the eldest young grandmother, and I don't know how many Jianghu Langzhong took the so-called ancestral secret recipe to cheat. The tall girl looked at him disdainfully, and seeing that he was dressed better than her young master, she swallowed the rest of the words back into her stomach, reached out and pulled the round-faced girl's arm, "Let's go, ignore him."

"Girl, don't hurry away yet, you listen to me finish speaking," Yulong hurriedly stepped forward and stopped in front of the two, "If you can't cure me, I won't take a penny."

"Are you serious?" The round-faced girl looked at him suspiciously, and asked in disbelief.

"No lie!" Yulong said with a straight face.

"How many famous doctors say that tuberculosis is incurable, and even you, a fledgling boy, dare to boast about Haikou?" The tall girl glanced at him, "I'm not afraid of the wind flashing my tongue!"

"Whether it is true or not, the girl will lead me to your master, if I don't see it well, how about ten taels of silver for the girl?" Yulong knew that they didn't believe it, so she simply blanked her gloves and baited the white wolf to lure them.

"What he said also makes sense, let him try," Sure enough, the round-faced girl bumped her companion's arm and said to Yulong, "We can't be the master, we can only introduce you to my young master, and see if he decides whether to let you treat the young grandmother."

Yulong hurriedly thanked, "Thank you, girl."


Yulong stepped forward to talk to someone, Huang Furui didn't know what he saw and walked away, anyway, the market was such a big place, and he wouldn't get lost, so he followed the two girls very heartedly.

After walking for a short distance, I turned into a quieter street, with courtyards of blue bricks and tiles on both sides, compared to the thatched huts and earthen houses in the nearby villages, which were completely villas.

The two girls in Tsing Yi took him to the innermost courtyard, only to see the three big characters of Murong Mansion written on the horizontal plaque, the two girls stepped forward to say a few words to the family guarding the door, and the other party glanced at Yulong and put him in directly.

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