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Qianqian Novel Network > Reborn Interstellar Plane Merchant > Chapter 18 Can This Broken Book Really Be Repaired?

Chapter 18: Can This Broken Book Really Be Repaired?

Author: Ming RuolanReturn to Table of ContentsAdd Bookmark to recommend this book

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Qianqian Novel Network www.qqxsw.tv, the fastest update of the reborn interstellar plane merchant!

"Jingling, there is your package, please check." The doorbell rings.

The beautiful bald boy quickly rushed over and opened the door, closed the door after signing for the package, opened the outer package in three or two, and inside was a bag of unknown blue-green fruits, about the same size as apples, opened and took out one to test the ingredients, the young man's plump and beautiful lips bent slightly, "I said that the one before was □□, and the real big fish came out!"

As he spoke, he threw the fruit in his hand to Lin Yufeng, took another one and took a bite, and the juice with a milky and fruity fragrance instantly flowed into his mouth, "Hmm... It's delicious! "I drank all the fruit in two sips, threw the core into the space button and put it away, and immediately logged in to the information of the human flesh seller on the universe network.

"Damn, that's amazing!" The young man raised his eyebrows in surprise, this defense was like an impregnable wall, and his brain was rapidly calculating at a rate of hundreds of billions of times per second, and he had to tear a hole in the entire empire with the power of one person.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Zhenpinxuan opened on time, as soon as the door opened, the customers who had been outside in the morning flocked in, and the customers who participated in the rush to buy yesterday were pleasantly surprised to find that there were many new products today, and the whole store was more than twice as large as yesterday, and more than half of the shelves were filled with all kinds of small fried dishes and soups with all kinds of colors and flavors, as well as a variety of special snacks and cooked foods that could not be named.

"Wow, there's so much to eat..."

"I'm rubbing, I'm so happy!"

People rushed up and began to scramble, and rows of shelves were quickly emptied like locusts crossing the border.

A glow-white ball of light swished over everyone's heads, squeezing into the rush of purchasers, white tentacles quickly scanting through rows of dazzling food, and soon swept a large pile into the shopping cart.

"I rubbed it, and I dared to rob it!" A plate of braised pork that had already entered the shopping cart actually flew out again, and the little ball of light suddenly became angry, pounced on it, bit off the opponent's claws, and snatched the braised pork back.

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