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Qianqian Novels > Reborn Interstellar Plane Merchant > Chapter 17 Opening

Chapter 17 Opening of the business

Author: Ming RuolanReturn to Table of ContentsAdd Bookmark to recommend this book

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Qianqian Novel Network www.qqxsw.tv, the fastest update of the reborn interstellar plane merchant!

In the monitoring hall with closed doors and windows, members of the crown prince's personal guard have been monitoring the entire universe network in shifts for the past few days, especially focusing on all the newly opened virtual food stores, their eyes are almost staring at mosquito coils, but the mysterious seller has not moved.

"How long is this guy going to wait?" Luo Xing stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes, almost staring out of the window.

"No hurry, wait." Bai Chenyu looked at the monitoring screen and spoke calmly.

Yulong found that the store was sold on time at ten o'clock in the morning every day, and it would be sold out within thirty seconds, and after watching for a few days, he discussed it with his father and registered a store on the universe network.

He directly bought a virtual store with a template built on the Internet, entered the treasure store in the signboard column, and then uploaded the holographic projection and basic information of the product.

"It's coming!" Luo Xing intercepted the data that had just been transmitted for the first time, "No. 1198 Hongxing South Road, Luofu District, Yulong."

"Sure enough, it was him." Bai Chenyu came to a conclusion.

Everyone immediately came to the spirit, Snow Wolf notified all departments to immediately carry out cooperative actions, all network police were dispatched, the whole network was under martial law to prevent hacker intrusion, the royal special express was immediately ready to take orders, the mecha force stationed in Luofu District Lion Tiger Battalion was fully guarded, ready to deal with sudden situations at any time, the highest governors of each planet received orders from the first level of martial law, and the entire empire was included in the scope of strict monitoring.

"it!" A hacker who likes to order things in the virtual store noticed something wrong for the first time, he just wanted to order two apples, is it necessary for the Internet police to be so unrelenting?

"Did you feel anything was wrong?" Others soon became aware of it.

"Is the Federation coming?" The faint-hearted begin to be apprehensive.

"Is the Empire finally going to war on the Federation?" The militants began to gear up.

"Is the twelfth-level alien beast about to invade?" The excitement of fearing that the world will not be chaotic is inexplicable.

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