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千千小说网 > 重生之星际位面商人 > 61|小儿|难养




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Yulong was lying on the luxurious and comfortable kingsize bed, and was dreaming of spring * with a rippling face, the person in the dream had extremely beautiful lines of flesh, imprisoning him in his arms like a copper wall and iron arm, and his soft and cold lips kept grinding him, making him flutter in his heart, and he couldn't help but open his lips slightly to ask for more.

Outcome...... Why did Nima put something in his mouth that was restricted? As a little virgin, he was awakened by scare.

When he opened his eyes, he realized that what had entered his mouth was nothing else, but his son's head.

Yulong's hands were firmly tied by the little golden dragon, no wonder he felt that someone was holding him tightly! Hurriedly pulled his arm out, and then pulled Xiaolong's head out of his mouth, needless to say, it must have been this little guy who rubbed his mouth around before to make him have spring dreams.

"Little Dragon!" Yulong began to talk to her son with a serious face, "Why do you drill anywhere?"

"Poof-" A stream of water sprayed on Yulong's face.

Yulong touched his face, looking at the little golden dragon in front of him, which was not much thicker than his thumb, and felt a bitter feeling that it was difficult to raise a child.

Don't look at it as newborn, it can understand whatever you say, and its destructive power is no different from that of a normal naughty child, even several times stronger, and you can't scold it yet, otherwise it will spray you with water in the face like this.

Yulong lightly tapped the little guy's head, "Baby, can't you get into Dad's mouth in the future, do you know?" What if I accidentally bite into it? The

little golden dragon flicked its tail and hit Yulong's teeth, almost knocking out all his teeth.

Yulong bared his teeth and cracked his mouth in pain, who will tell him how to raise a divine dragon in Nima?

This force value is too high, even if the little guy didn't really want to hurt him, but he still inadvertently made him suffer a lot.

Yulong gave up preaching to his son, touched its tiny claws, lowered his head and kissed its little head, took out a peach from the space and put it in front of it, only to see that it had a small mouth, and a cricket twice the size of an adult's fist disappeared directly at its mouth.

Yulong put his son on his head, took out a piece of rune paper from the space, and flexibly folded the paper several times, and soon turned into the shape of a horse, he threw the folded paper horse out of the window, and the paper horse immediately turned into a tall and handsome white horse.

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