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Qianqian Novel Network www.qqxsw.tv, the fastest update of the reborn interstellar plane merchant!

"Hello, good evening, everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you here, let me introduce myself first, my name is Xiyu."

A man wearing a field uniform carrying a laser cannon appeared on the holographic screen that was originally playing the starry sky picture, the silver butterfly mask covered the upper half of his face, and the beautiful red lips slightly picked out an evil arc, "Yes, that's what you think, little lambs, you have been kidnapped!" Stay where you are and don't move, otherwise," Xi Yu touched the ground with his lips, "Your life will wither like a flower."

There was a stir in the

spaceship hall, and someone exclaimed, "Xiyu? Interstellar pirate leader Nishiyu?

"Oh my God! How did we meet him? "Anyone who has heard the legend about him will faint, Xi Yu is the only pirate leader who does not accept the ransom, what will happen to his head, it all depends on his mood, but so far no one has come back alive.

"Hasn't he always been active in the south? How did you get here? "Some people who know the pirate leader better are puzzled.

"The signal is blocked! The distress signal can't be sent..."Someone immediately sent out an alarm signal, but in despair found that there was no contact at all.

"It's over... I haven't been in a relationship yet, and I'm going to die so soon? A red-haired young man was holding a glass of green life light in his hand, and he looked at the wine in his hand with drunken eyes, and poured it all down his throat with a tilt of his head.

The entire ship was enveloped in a wave of fear and despair, some crying, others screaming.

"Bump! Touch!

Several gunshots and short screams rang out, and the hall fell silent.

Yulong, who evaded the ticket on the spaceship: "..."

Nima knew that the fare evasion would lose his character, so he didn't save more than 10,000 credits, he just thought that no one would see him anyway, it didn't matter if he bought it or not, how did he know that he had met an interstellar pirate with such a little back?

"Dad, what should I do?"

"These pirates routinely gather everyone in the hall, and we go to the second floor, and even if they search for us, they won't be able to see us." The hall is crowded and chaotic, and if you accidentally bump into someone, they will be exposed.

Yulong followed his father up to the second floor silently, standing by the railing and looking at the situation in the hall.

Sure enough, a moment later everyone was gathered in the hall, and the pirates who had come up to search hurried past them, violently opening door after door, blasting out all the people lying in the sleeping chamber like locusts crossing the border.

Some of them had just come out of the sleeping chamber and before they could understand what was happening, they were rushed to the hall by the rude pirates with guns at hand.

"Report to the leader, everyone is here, including the crew, for a thousand and eight people." A tall pirate reports through a liaison.

"Well done, Kerry." Xi Yu's red lips on the holographic screen were slightly raised, like a messenger from hell, evil and tempting, "Little ones, go back to the cottage."

Yulong's heart jumped, they actually wanted to bring this spaceship back to the pirate's lair! The two quietly touched the emergency escape passage, then opened the escape hatch and lay in, pressed the switch, and rushed out of the hatch in an instant.

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