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Qianqian Novel Network > Reborn Interstellar Plane Merchant > 39|Don't|Rob me

39|Don't|Rob me

Author: Ming RuolanReturn to Table of ContentsAdd Bookmark to recommend this book

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Qianqian Novel Network www.qqxsw.tv, the fastest update of the reborn interstellar plane merchant!

There was a cold moon hanging in the sky, the shadows of the trees on the mountains at night, a gust of cold wind blowing, and the exposed skin couldn't help but have goosebumps.

Fortunately, there were many people, even the most timid girls did not feel afraid, and after being paralyzed on the ground for more than half an hour, their bodies gradually regained some strength, and people climbed up in twos and threes.

"Rested?" Huangfu Wuji slowly paced out of the shadows, walked to the moonlight and stood still, raised his hand and pointed around, "Except for this main peak, you can stay in the other mountains at will." It's not too early now, so let's disperse today and gather here at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

When the

students heard this, their eyes swept to the mountains far away from them, and many of them trembled and almost sat down again.

How long does Nima have to go? As the saying goes, it's easier to go up the mountain than to get down, so why don't they hit their weak legs and stomach and roll down the mountain?

Huangfu Wuji swept around the crowd lightly and raised his eyebrows, "What, feel very tired?" If you can't stand the suffering, you can report it, and I'll send you down the mountain immediately.

"Not tired at all, big brother!" One of the sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys raised his voice and yelled, and then he was the first to go down the hill on crutches.

The others also supported each other on crutches and followed closely behind, although their legs and stomachs trembled when they took a step, they still gritted their teeth and persevered, no matter how miserable it was, no one was willing to give up.

After a difficult trek, we finally reached the foot of the mountain, and after a short rest, we cut down trees and built a house.

Most of the students recruited in this batch are alpha, and their strength is much greater than that of ordinary people, even if they are as tired as dogs, it is not difficult to break branches with their bare hands, and the speed of everyone is quite fast, after more than an hour of tossing and turning, simple cabins have been built in the valley, except for a few girls living in one, and the boys are seven or eight people living in one.

It was already the middle of the night, and tomorrow before dawn I had to get up and go up the mountain, and even the most particular people could not bother to go to the nearby stream to wash, so they fell asleep on the ground covered with a layer of soft leaves.

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