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Qianqian Novels > Reborn Interstellar Plane Merchant > 86|Chapter <>

85|Chapter <>

Author: Ming RuolanReturn to Table of ContentsAdd Bookmark to recommend this book

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Qianqian Novel Network www.qqxsw.tv, the fastest update of the reborn interstellar plane merchant!

Xiaojia Village has suddenly become lively recently, many married daughters have come back with their husbands and children to live, as well as the daughter-in-law's family and what seven aunts and eight aunts, have also come to visit relatives, saying that they are small to live, but they will not leave as soon as they live.

The close ones went back to their villages to farm during the day, and the far ones opened up around the village, and the mountain baby father looked in the direction of the mountain behind him, and went to his uncle's house with a bottle of wine.

In the evening of the next day, Uncle Gui sat on the dam again and told the story:

"I heard from the people of my grandfather's generation that there lived a dragon king in the big lake on the mountain behind us, and the village near us was in good weather every year. One year, many strongmen came to the village, burned, killed and looted, and the villagers put incense on the table to offer fruits, asking for the blessing of the dragon king, and it is strange to say, since then, no strongmen have entered the village.

"Mo isn't it true? Is our village really blessed by the Dragon King? A man sitting on the haystack spoke thoughtfully.

"Don't say it, maybe there is a dragon king in our back mountain, otherwise why are other places suffering every year, either drought or flood, just let us wind and rain every year?"

"Yes, you said that this strongman entered the village, and the head of the household fell by himself without noticing them, and I heard the strong son who was on an errand in the government say that those thieves don't remember what happened, maybe there is really a dragon king's blessing!"

Everyone, you and I said your guess word by word, but there is only one general summary, that is, there may really be a dragon king on the back mountain.

As the saying goes, it is better to believe that there is something than to believe that there is nothing, and after the villagers discussed it for a while, they decided to go up the mountain to worship the dragon king, and the day was set on the fifteenth day of this month.

On the fifteenth day, before dawn, the villagers went up the mountain step by step with torches, and Yulong sat on the dragon's horn and hid in the clouds, looking at the long line of torches that stretched from the foot of the mountain to the halfway up the mountain.

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