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Qianqian Novel Network > Reborn Interstellar Plane Merchant > 64|Don't|It's raining

64|Don't|It's raining

Author: Ming RuolanReturn to Table of ContentsAdd Bookmark to recommend this book

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Qianqian Novel Network www.qqxsw.tv, the fastest update of the reborn interstellar plane merchant!

Yulong pressed the plane shuttle, and the next moment he was in a vast desert universe, which was the place where he chased Ah Yi into the spatial rift last time.

Although Xiaolong Shiyou* is the reincarnation of Ah Yi, this place is still like a graveyard for him, and he doesn't want to stay for a moment, so he hurriedly fled and flew out a few feet away.

As soon as he left with his front foot, a spatial crack opened a monstrous jaw where he had just stood.

Yulong took out the flying sword from the storage bag, threw it into the air, stepped on it with both feet, and the flying sword galloped forward like a meteor. After the cultivator's cultivation reached the Jindan period, he could Xi the art of flying the imperial sword, and after Yulong practiced it once or twice, he would be able to master it with ease.

Compared to using spiritual power to fly, Edgeworth is much more labor-saving and faster, and its speed is not inferior to that of the S mecha.

A silver starship in front of him sailed from far and near, Yulong paused slightly, slapped an invisibility talisman on his body, and retreated several miles to avoid the past.

This starship appeared here, not surprisingly, it should have been sent by the empire to find Ah Yi, but I didn't expect it to arrive now, Yulong paused for a while, and drew a few golden characters in the air with spiritual power.

There is a spatial crack ahead.

The deputy captain sitting in the wheelhouse saw a few large golden characters appearing on the monitoring screen, his face changed slightly, and he immediately slowed down.

"What's going on?" A tall man in a silver military uniform walked over and was slightly stunned when he saw the golden text on the screen.

"Captain, look..."

Just then, the starship alarm system began to beep sharply.

"Level 1 Alert! There are abnormal energy fluctuations in five thousand miles ahead!

"Level 1 alert! There are abnormal energy fluctuations in five thousand miles ahead! The

tall man raised his hand, "Stop moving forward and find out what the situation is first."

He reached out and tapped on the screen, and the surveillance screen changed to a set of energy maps of different shades of color.

The vice-captain's face gradually became solemn, "This—This is..."

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