Part 6 - You traitor

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Two weeks later

after the shooting incident involving Porsche, his family moved to live in the house of the Theerapanyakul family. Even Jin, Porsche's cousin, whose father was killed, moved in with them. Unfortunately, his father was the only close family member he had, as his mother died when he was a little child, and he had no siblings. Porsche decided to take responsibility for him since he felt like a little brother to him, and he also believed that Jin would feel more comfortable with them than with the rest of his uncles and aunts.

Jin was in his last year of high school and was planning for university entrance exams along with Chay. As Chay, and Jin descended the stairs to the entrance door, they encountered Kim.

"You again?" Chay whispered.

"This is my house; it will be clear that you'll encounter me," Kim replied.

"Who ran to you?"

Kim ignored Chay's words. "Vegas's little brother will take you; it's on the way to his university."

"Why?" Chay asked.

"Do you want to burden the guards unnecessarily? You're truly a spoiled kid."

"I'm not spoiled!" Chay shouted, and Jin tried to stop him.

Macau entered, "Are you ready? I need to..." Macau paused when he saw Jin. "Hey, I'm Macau Theerapanyakul," he said, extending his hand toward Jin.

"Oh, I'm Jin Kittisawasd, Chay and Porsche's cousin."

"Ah, Jin, that's a lovely name," Macau complimented.

Kim put his hand on Macau's shoulder, and whispered, "You're too transparent, and he's still a minor."

"Soon he won't be a minor anymore. Didn't you say he was in his the last year?" Macau whispered back and smiled.

"Drive them already! They'll be late because of you," Kim scolded him.

Macau opened the door politely and signaled for Jin and Chay to come out. Jin went out first, followed by Chay. Just before Chay outed, he whispered to Macau, "If you mess with my cousin, I promise I'll rip off your two little eggs!"

"I can assure you they're not little," Macau laughed.

"Stay away from him," Chay said, giving Macau a pat on the shoulder.

"Ouch, the brothers are the same," Macau said to Kim, who laughed from a distance.


Porsche arranged his father's clothes and waited for his father's discharge letter to transfer him to Kinn's house, where he would be taken care of by their private medical team. Kinn preferred to transfer Porsche's father earlier, but Porsche was concerned that his father was still weak.

"Porsche?" Porsche's father woke up and tried to sit up.

Porsche approached his father. "Let me help you sit."

"Porsche, I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. You were right; I should have agreed to the offer earlier. Arthee died because of me, our people died because of me."

"It's not your fault. I should have taken better care of this family without relying on other families, and you wouldn't have to deal with the family's situation alone."

"I told you, I'll protect our family."

Knocking, knocking, knocking.

One of Kinn's head guards entered.

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