Part 16 - More than you?

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"Porsche, I warn you, I will not take such jokes."

"Do I look joking to you?"

"I know you have nothing to offer," Kinn said.

"I have nothing to offer you. I have a lot to offer to others,"

"Porsche, my patience is short,"

"Why? What will you do? Kill me?"

"No, I'll find Thiu and kill him and any alpha who will stand next to you,"

"Then maybe you should start killing yourself!"

"I'm glad your sense of humor works,"

"I helped his wife yesterday," I confessed before he actually killed him.

"Get dressed, we'll take care of you from home,"

"I want to stay here tonight,"

"Get ready quick, or I'll drag you home," Kinn left the room.

I massaged my neck and took a breath, "I won't let you disrespect me anymore. I will find a solution to stay away from you."


A month later,

The return to university came, we drove in Kinn's car, and even though I wanted to drive alone, he wouldn't let me. I admit that I was scared, except for Kinn and his friends and some others who learned with us in elementary school, I didn't know anyone there.

"Why are you grumpy?" Kinn asked.

"I do not,"

"Then why don't you look out the window like that."

"Because if I look at you, I will throw up," I said.

"Really? It actually seems like you had a good time yesterday..."

"That was my circle,"


"If you want, I can find another alpha,"

"I wasn't complaining, it was fun for me yesterday,"

"Whatever you say,"

Kinn parked the car, but just before I got out, Kinn grabbed my hand.


"Porsche, be careful who you talk to, don't trust just one there,"

"Are you..?" I asked. Kinn turned serious.

"Porsche! I'm serious! Don't talk to anyone unless I have permission,"

I waved his hand away, "Are you crazy? Maybe I'll ask you when I can go to the restroom!?" I got out of the car, and Kinn followed me.

"Porsche, Kinn," Tay and Time shouted.

"Porsche, you look good, like Oppa," Tay said and grabbed my hand.

"Tay, I warn you," Kinn said.

"OH, Kinn, your jealousy is scary." Time said while hiding Tay behind him.

"What is Ling doing here?" Tay said.

Kinn turned, and his gaze changed.

Ling approached us. "Long time no see?" Ling said.

"I thought you would stay in China?" Kinn said.

"I missed Thailand," Ling looked at me, "Porsche? Right? Nice to meet you,"

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