Part 8 - Evil beast

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"I can't get hold of Jin... the phone is disconnected."

After Chay explained that he thought Jin had returned home alone, he went to check if Jin was in his room, but he found the room empty.

"I thought he came back home alone..." Chay cried.

"Chay, calm down, we are now figuring out where he is," Porsche tried to comfort.

"What if someone kidnapped him? What if people who tried to kill us did something to him?" Chay cried.

"Chay, I promise you he's okay," Porsche said.

Kinn asked the guards to look for Jin, and one of the guards, Arm, entered the room. (I must admit that his mischievous-looking glasses make him look playful.") Porsche thought to himself.

"Mr. Kinn, Mr. Porsche, I hacked into the school's cameras. It seems Mr. Macau took him from the school, and right now, they are at the beach..."

"At this hour? Call him now to bring him back!" Porsche shouted.

"Yes, of course, sir!" Arm took out his phone and called to Macau.

"Mr. Macau..." Arm started to say, but Porsche snatched the phone from him.

"Listen, you miserable creature, bring Jin back now before I cut your balls!"

"Hia... We are coming... back now," Macau said in a trembling voice.

"Drive safely! If anything happens to Jin, you're dead!" Porsche hung up the phone.


Porsche went to the entrance of the house and waited there for Jin. He sat down on one of the steps at the entrance, where there were other guards. Even though Porsche wasn't allowed to sit like that, the guards were too scared to approach him because they could see his anger.

Porsche took out a cigarette from his pocket and started smoking. ("No wonder Kinn figured out quickly that I'm in Tankhun's room at that time.") Porsche was so angry.

"Since when do you smoke?" Kinn sat beside him, reached out his hand, and took Porsche's cigarette.

"Why? I can't?!"

"Um, you need to take care of your health."

Porsche took the cigarette back. "It's none of your business."

"Porsche, soon you'll be carrying my kids in your belly, so yes, it is related to me," Kinn replied while he took the cigarette back.

"Kinn, don't annoy me right now!"

"I can calm you down if you want." Kinn laughed.

Porsche turned red. "Just be quiet! The guards are here!" Porsche was embarrassed, not understanding how Kinn dared to speak in such a way.

Kinn approached Porsche and whispered in his ear, "If you want, I can tell them to leave..."

Porsche stood up, followed by Kinn. "You really..." Porsche began to say, but Macau's car arrived.

Jin came out from the door next to the driver, his head bowed, and Porsche checked him. "Are you hurt? Are you okay? Did Macau do something to you?"

"I'm fine, he didn't do anything..." Jin tried to calm Porsche, who couldn't stop staring at Macau standing behind his car.

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