Part 12 - even if it will kill me too (18+)

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After I met with Jom and Tem, I returned to the Theerapanyakul family home in the evening; when I entered, I received a message on my mobile about the cancellation of my studies, and I quickly called my educational institution.


"Hi, this is Pachara Kittisawasd. I believe there might be a mistake; I received a message of cancellation of studies."

"No, it's not a mistake." said the representative.

"But I didn't cancel... so,"

"Let me check, ohh... Kinn Theerapanyakul called"

"He was wrong! Can you return the registration?"

"I apologize, but... we recommended not to return..." The representative didn't finish speaking, and I hung up, quickly running up the stairs while yelling, "Kinn!"

"Kinn!!!" I was furious with anger.

"Mr. Porsche, how can I help?" Big asked

"Where's the psycho you call boss?!"

"He's in the meeting room..." Big began to say, but I left before he finished his words.

"Mr. Porsche, you will have to wait!"

"I do not care!" I shouted at him. I burst into the room when it was all full of people in suits and their bodyguards sitting behind them."

"What happened?" Kinn said nonchalantly.

"Mr. Kinn, I apologize," Big tried to drag me.

"Porsche, what are you doing?!" My father, who was there, shouted at me.

"Kinn, it looks like you two have something to talk about," his father told him.

"It's fine. Porsche, after I'll finish the meeting. I'll come to our room". Kinn said condescendingly.

"Mr. Porsche, please," Big dragged me out of the meeting room.

"Son of a bitch!" Porsche shouted and came up to their room.

"Porsche!!! What happened!?" Tankhun approached me, wearing a pink suit, but I ignored him.

"Your brother is stupid!"

"It's not new," Tankhun tried to follow me, but Arm stopped him.

"I think you should leave him alone...," Arm suggested.


"Tankhun..." Arm begged.

"It's not fair!" Tankhun snapped like a little boy.

"Now that everyone is busy, it's our chance..." Arm whispered.

"Ok, let's go!" Tankhun whispered back.


Porsche slammed the room door and waited for Kinn, I was nervous.

"You're dead!"

After I waited three hours, Kinn entered the room.

"Who do you think You Are!?" I yelled.

"What happened?" Kinn took off the jacket and placed it on the bed.

"Why did you cancel my studies?"

"Why do you need them?" he asked.


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