Part 15 - my chance to get revenge

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Kinn kept scolding me and Tankhun all the way home. I didn't answer him the whole way, but to my dismay, Tankhun didn't stop answering back, which made Kinn raise his voice the all way home.

When we got home at 2 am, we went straight to bed, and Kinn and I didn't talk anymore. We both slept back to back; I tried to fall asleep, but the thoughts in my head kept bothering me. Is this what the rest of my life is going to look like? Fighting, shouting, arguments. Did I do something terrible that God punishes like this? I don't know what to do anymore; this pain is starting to intensify in me. I don't remember when I was happy or when I laughed. I miss my childhood, the innocence that protected me from this world.

I miss the carefreeness; I miss my old self.


Kinn woke me up early in the morning so we could go to the meeting they had arranged the meeting at Kinn's family hotel. I was surprised to find out that it was the same hotel from yesterday that the same guys wanted to take the Omega.

Just before we entered the meeting room, I saw Kinn, who was stopping me.

"Porsche, this meeting is important. Be careful with your words, keep your childishness aside. Is it that clear?"



"It's obvious," I didn't want to continue the conversation with him. Anyway, I wasn't in a position to argue because of the headache and stomachache I had.

"Kinn," Vegas called him from afar to let us in because everyone was starting to arrive for the meeting. Everyone sat around the table; Kinn sat across the table in the center, me on his right and Vegas on his left. The people with whom we met sat across from us, face to face.

Kinn introduced everyone in the family signal, and so those people did,

I'm Thiu Khajornborirak; I apologize that my wife is missing, he is not feeling well,"

I'm Thiu Khajornborirak; I apologize that my wife is missing, he is not feeling well,"

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Why does this name sound familiar to me? Like I already heard it.

"It's okay. Your wife should come first," Kinn said kindly.

"Chuckle," a chuckle voice came out of me without meaning to; I couldn't keep my expression for a moment. I am amazed at how much Kinn can be an actor. He'll probably scold me after we finish the meeting.

"I can assure you that if you go with us in this deal, we will help you on the streets ***," Kinn said.

"Help us? Are you saying we can't defend ourselves?" Thiu said.

"No, that was not my intention. I know that last week, the street was almost occupied by the Lee family. I know that you set up your people in your main streets and hence, you have fewer people there. I promise you that you will do the deal with us, I will put some from my people there, and so keep this street yours, and in return... give me a little piece of the West Coast," Kinn explained.

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