part 23 - My Air 1/2

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Part 1/2 for this chapter


"Porsche, just a little more..." the midwife said.

"Ahhhhhhh," I tried to hold back my screams, but it hurt so much.

A baby's cry, "Ahh ahh ahh."

"What a beautiful son you have..." said one of the nurses as she wiped the sweat from my forehead. She put the baby in my arms.

"Hey... hey, my baby."

"Porsche, have you already chosen a name?" she asked.

"Yes, Prapai," I said and I kissed Prapai on his forehead. I promise I will take care of you. You are my air, my little angel.

The maids cleaned me and Prapai. Luckily, Ling was not at home, so I didn't have to see his face during the birth of my little angel. I always knew giving birth was painful. But it hurt me more to realize that Prapai would not know his father.


"Prapai, let's go to sleep. Mmm?" I kissed him on his forehead and put him next to me with a pillow on the other side so he wouldn't fall.

"Kinn, isn't he pretty?" I whispered.

"I hope he doesn't inherit the stubbornness of either of us." I pat his head.

"I'm so tired, I'll just close my eyes for a few minutes."

I opened my eyes, and Prapai wasn't in the bed. I quickly got up to see if he had fallen on the floor, but he wasn't there. "Prapai?!" I felt tremors throughout my body.

I saw that the balcony of the room was open. Maybe he had gone there? No, it doesn't make sense; babies at this age don't crawl. Then I saw...

"Porsche, why are you so pale?" Ling asked with a smile as Prapai, in his hands, cried.

"Give him back to me."

"Why? You look tired. Sorry, I couldn't make it to the birth." Ling said.

"Ling!" I said in a strained voice.

"Shhh, here's dad, dad's here."

Ling's words infuriated me, but, I was afraid he would do something to Prapai.

"Can you please bring him to me?" I asked him.

"When you're in this state? You can barely contain yourself."

"Ling, please... this weather is not good for him either." I tried to make an excuse.

"What are you talking about? It's neither cold nor hot," Ling kissed Prapai on the forehead.

I tried to walk towards him, but I fell to the floor before him.

"I told you it was dangerous. What would happen if I dropped Prapai?"

I could understand Ling's puns; he was threatening me.

The two male maids arrived. "Take him to shower; he seems to be bleeding," Ling said.

"Mr. Ling..." one of the maids said.

"What?" Ling responded disinterestedly.

"It is very important for the health of the omega and the baby to be together after birth..." he said fearfully.

"What?" Ling asked.

"Omegas are under tension when the baby is not close to them, which may affect their health."

"Okay, take him and make sure he's ready in three days," Ling said.

"Yes, Mr. Ling," the maid said and took Prapai.

The other maid held me and helped me walk towards the bathroom.

"Take care of breakfast, I'll finish here." said the maid who helped me to the other maid.

The maid who convinced Ling made sure there was a bassinet in the shower so I could see Prapai.

"Mike, right?" I asked the maid.

"Yes, Mr. Porsche," said the maid.

"Thank you, thank you for helping me."

"I didn't help you. If you get hurt, it will be difficult for us to take care of you."

"He's going to sleep with me, right?" I asked, but Mike did not look me in the eye.

"We'll make sure you're ready for it."

"Is he planning to mark me? Get me pregnant?" I asked.

"I'm sure Mr. Ling will be gentle," he tried to convince me, avoiding my eyes.

"Can I ask for one more favor?" I asked.

He looked at me.

"Can you get me some pills?" I felt I could trust him.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," Mike said.

"Please... don't let me have a child with this monster..." I begged.

But Mike ignored me and didn't answer. "I think that's enough. I'll sort out your clothes."

Mike left the shower room quickly. I could see the anxiety and fear on his face. After all, if Ling found out about this, he would kill him. Why would he risk himself for me? He already risked returning Prapai to me.


We sat down around the table. Prapai was sleeping in a bassinet next to me, and Ling sitting in front of me. Ling asked the maid to prepare dozens of dishes, and all the dishes were dishes that I liked.

"Well? Do you like the food?" Ling asked.


"Do you want us to make another dish? I asked that we make the pickled salmon you like. I know that you were not allowed to eat when you were pregnant."


"Why are you quiet? Don't you feel well?"

"I'm a little tired..."

"Mmm, but don't worry. The responsibility should also be on me, I'll make sure to get up for Prapai as well."

"It's okay. Don't bother yourself,"

"Why? After all, we're getting married in a few days. I will be his dad."

The cup of tea fell from my hand, "Excuse me?"

"Why are you so surprised? You asked me to wait after you give birth."

"But I'm still... pretty weak and..."

"Don't worry, I'll try not to be tough on you,"

Mike came with a cloth and a new teacup and put the cup down. "It's okay, I don't want another cup..." I said.

"Mr. Porsche, it's good for your health," Mike insisted, and I did.

I sipped the cup of tea with my hands slightly shaking... the taste was strange. I looked at the inside of the glass. Can't it be? I looked at Mike, who nodded his head.

Mike is helping me, maybe... I still have hope.

"Something happened?" Ling examined me.

"No. It's nothing."

Thanks Mike, I owe you.

Part 1/2 for this chapter

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