Part 22 - our jewel

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Hi readers,

I want to thank you for the comments and you enjoy the chapters! It makes me really happy!


The content in this chapter will be somewhat mature, focusing less on the enjoyable parts and more on serious themes such as sexual harassment, torture, rape, and more. Proceed at your own discretion! - Sorry :(

Three years before,

I didn't know I was pregnant until Ling told me. I knew I had to survive, if not for myself, then for my child. I couldn't stop touching the back of my neck; knowing the mark was gone hurt so much. I hated it, but the idea that Kinn was dead—I hated that even more. I felt emptiness, thoughts crossed my mind that maybe I should have acted differently with Kinn. What if the day after our first night together, I hadn't said what I said to him?"


"Porsche, you hate me so much?"

"Let me make something clear to you; if I had to do this deal with any other alpha, I would do it."

I could see how much those words hurt him, although I didn't know it straight away. The more I got to know him, the more I could tell what things hurt him. This alpha always knew how to make me angry, but the same alpha would cover me with a blanket up to my shoulders and always put his hand on my forehead to see if I had a fever. I admit I hated him for throwing away my motorcycle, but how could he know... After all, I was always fighting him, and every time he tried to start a conversation, I led it into a fight.

The door opened, and Ling was standing in the doorway with a tray and food on. "Good morning! I see that you are up already?"

I ignored Ling's words, but Ling continued to speak and sat next to me. I pushed the tray of food Ling brought to me to the floor.

"Get away from me! Murderer!" My anger took over me.

"Porsche, I know you're sad, but..." Ling pulled me by my hair and bent me to the floor.

"Eat!" Ling roared. "Eat before I take your baby out of your belly!" Ling slammed my face into the floor and forced me to eat until there was no crumb left.

"I'm done, let me go now," I tried to free his hand from my hair.

"There's a stain..." Ling moved closer to my ear "Lick it," Ling whispered into my ear and pushed his tongue into my ear, and I did it. I could not let my child get hurt.

"satisfied?" I asked him with a cold look in my eyes.

Ling combed my hair and sat me on the bed. "I can understand why Kinn liked to fight you, so sexy," Ling laid me down on the bed, kissed me, and tore my shirt off, I felt his hands trying to pull my pants down.

"You promised! You will not hurt my child!"


"It's dangerous for the baby..." I explained.

"So what am I supposed to do?" Ling asked and kissed my neck.

"After I give birth to him, I'll do whatever you want," I tried to convince him.

"Ok," Ling released me and got off of me; I tried to go to the shower room but, then he grabbed me, knocking me to my knees.

"You can still use your mouth..." Ling said, grabbing my head and pointing it at his buddy, who was pulled out.

"And if I feel your teeth, you die," he threatened, and so I did, as he ordered me to.

"Don't give me that look, even though it's sexier more than... hearing Tankhun cry when I marked him,"

I took it out of my mouth, "Why did I do this? You planned this together with your brother?! You... "

Ling didn't let me finish talking and again pushed it into my mouth with force, I felt that the edge of my lips was torn.

"I did it alone... Do you see? My brother was a weakling who fell in love with an Omega and was willing to give anything for him, even if it meant territory that my father had given him. And I did not stand it, so I drugged him; at the party celebrated the day before their escape, causing him to think I was my big brother... and he begged me, "King why are you doing this to me?! I love you," Ling mimicked Tankhun, his rolling, weak laugh making me sick.

Ling continued, "You know what was funny? That my brother didn't even get to fuck Tankhun, he wanted to wait for their wedding, pathetic... hearing his screams while fuck him brought me so much pleasure... and when you finish this pregnancy, I hope to hear You scream like that," Ling bent his head and smelled my hair.

"I told you that my brother and Kinn are similar- they both acted according to their emotions, and this is why I was able to kill both of them in less than a minute..."

My eyes are wide open. How can he kill his brother?

"Did I surprise you?" Ling laughed like crazy.

Ling didn't just take Tankhun's body; he took his soul, stole from him the truth about his first love... I was at least comforted that King truly liked Tankhun.

The situation with Ling went on for months, I thought I would be able to escape before I the birth, but I did not make it. Three days after Prapai's birth, Ling forced me to sleep with him, and he tried to mark me many times but failed...

Ling decided that if he couldn't mark me, then he would mark my back. He took a hot iron rod and stuck it in my back, he caused burns on my back and threatened that if I screamed he would beat Prapai. I bit my lips until they split and bled.

I had nowhere to run... Kinn is no longer here... I didn't think I would miss a fight with him... miss hate him.


Present time

I played with Prapai, This boy managed to fill me with happiness and joy. He looks a lot like Kinn. Kinn, do you see our son from heaven? I promise to protect our jewel.

Ling entered the room and called one of the maids to take Prapai to his room. The maids left the room with Prapai, and I waved him goodbye -knowing what Ling was going to me now.

"Undress!" Ling said and took off his clothes.

I lay on the bed naked with my legs open, and Ling did what he wanted in me, this disgusting feeling can't get past during all these years.

"It hurts," the sentence escaped my lips.

"No matter how much I fuck you every day, you still not used to it?" Ling laughed.

Ling pushed my face into the bed and pushed it harder and harder inside me, there was no pleasure in it, and it made me realize how different it was to do it with Kinn.

I felt Ling's breath on the back of my neck, "Let's try today too?"

Ling bit me hard, but after the bite, he didn't speak for a few seconds...

"I can't believe it! I did it! I marked you!"

I touched the bite on my neck, a mark? Did he mark me? It can't be...

"Porsche? Aren't you happy? Your back! We won't have to mark anymore, not that there is already room for the scars on your scars. Do you know what this also means? Now I will be able to create a bond with you, and you will be mine forever,"

I can't let him form a bond with me, I have to run away.

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