Part 13 - last gift

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Porsche's Pov

I woke up early in the morning to get up before Kinn; my body still ached from pain. I checked myself, and it still felt swollen, "Is it swollen?" so I filled the shower with cold water, trying to reduce the swelling, sitting in the shower while trying to breathe slowly.

"Kinn! I wish you would die!"

"Is that how you greet me in the morning?" Kinn came in and smirked at me.

"Can you leave?" I tried to keep myself calm.

"This is my shower," Kinn said as he took off his clothes.

I tried to ignore him; he inserted one of his legs and quickly withdrew it. "Why is the water cold?" Kinn asked me, but I replied with the same indifference.

"Why are you up so early?"

"Is my wife so curious about me?"

But Kinn continued with the same provocation. I decided to leave the bathroom quickly to stop fighting with him.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," he said casually.


"I arranged your registration for studies at my institution."

"What did you do?!"

"Don't worry, it won't prolong your studies," Kinn said while filling the bathtub with warm water.

"Are you serious about this?"

"You better dry yourself off; you will catch a cold," Kinn repeated, ignoring my words.

I pushed him, "Answer me!"

"Your friends don't study there, since they moved to New York,"


"I don't see a reason to leave you in a place where I can not keep an eye on you."

"Am I a dog?"

"I think you've already proven that," Kinn said and entered the bathroom after the water was already warm.

I quickly left the shower room and went to the closet. I put on clothes that I found and left our room. I went to see Chay; he should be awake by now, and indeed, he certainly was, and so was Kim.

"Chay!" I found my brother in action when he was over Kim naked, since when did the innocent boy become so no innocent?


Kim tried to cover both of them; I didn't have the strength to argue with my brother about this relationship. So, I decided to leave. I couldn't stand being in this rotten house. Maybe I should buy an ointment to relieve the swelling; it bothered and hurt me. I went to the parking lot to find my motorcycle, but it wasn't there. So I approached one of the guards.

"Excuse me, do you know where my motorcycle is?"

"We received an order from Mr. Kinn to throw the motorcycle."

"What did you do?!"

"Mr. Kinn is afraid the motorcycle will be dangerous for you, but if you need to go anywhere, we can drive you."

Tears flowed from my eyes, "Did you throw my motorcycle!?"

"Mr. Porsche, we can drive you right now, and there is a partition between the driver and the passenger if it bothers you."

I quickly took the gun's guard and ran back home.

"Mr. Porsche, wait a moment! it is not safe for you to hold the gun like that!" The guard ran after me into the house.

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