Part 10 - Game over

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After the meeting, Porsche approached Jin to discuss the recent hangout with Macau.

"Jin, we need to talk."

Jin tried to evade Porsche, along with Chay, as he sensed from Porsche's demeanor that he was about to be reprimanded.

"Hey...," Jin said hesitantly, hugging Porsche's hand.

"Jinnnn, cut it out..."

Porsche motioned for Jin and Chay to go up to his room, he wanted to have a private conversation. Both of them settled on the bed while Porsche sat in front of them in a chair.

"Listen to me carefully, both of you! Stay away from the Theerapanyakul family."

"What do I have to do with this? It's Jin who went out to have fun!"

"Yaaah!" Jin playfully punched Chay on the shoulder.

"Chay, don't you think I saw the smiles with Kim? Since when have you two become close?"

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

"I'm serious," Porsche said

"But Macau is a good guy..."


"He's the only one who understands me; he saw his mother die in front of his eyes..."

"Jin, you can talk to me too..." Porsche said in a gentle voice.

"I know, but Porsche... he's really good to me." Jin's eyes filled with tears.

"Good? A good guy doesn't kiss you the first time."

"I'm the one who kissed him first..." Jin confessed.

"Well done! How was it?" Chay applauded.

"Thanks... at first..." Jin began to speak.

"I don't want to hear it... go to your rooms!"

"But Porsche," they both said in unison.

"Now!" Porsche stood up and pointed towards the exit, signaling them to leave. As Kinn tried to enter, Porsche blocked him and attempted to close the door without success.

"Are you angry?" Kinn asked provocatively. He knew how to annoy Porsche in seconds.

"I just want to be alone." Porsche tried again to close the door.

"Open the door now," Kinn ordered.

Porsche opened the door, knowing he had to abide, it was the agreement he made with Kinn. He opened the door.

"That's how I like you..." Kinn kissed Porsche on his cheek.

"Why are you doing this?" Porsche asked.

"Doing what?" Kinn pretended innocence.

"The ceremony marking! You know it's embarrassing!"

"Embarrassing? What's wrong with showing everyone that you're mine?"

"I'm not your property!"

Kinn approached Porsche's ear. "Actually, you are."

Porsche tried to slap Kinn on the cheek, but Kinn caught his hand. "I can do whatever I want with you. After the marking, you'll be dependent on me."

"Do you enjoy demeaning me to this extent?"

"Porsche... stop seeing it as humiliation." Porsche turned away and didn't look at Kinn. "Okay, I apologize. you're not my property, but you are mine. I also have a wedding gift for you."

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