Part 19 - Truth

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My family doesn't need me anyway. "Ling? Can you help me disappear?"


"I want to run away. Can you help me?"


"Help me!!"

"Porsche, to be honest... I know Kinn loves you,"

"You do not know,"

"I know because when he looks at you, that's how King looked at Tankhun..."

"He loves you,"

"I thought you told me not to trust him?"

"That day at the pool, I saw how worried he was about you,"


"I mean it,"

"It was an agreement between our families, not love," I said.

"An agreement?"

"My family was about to collapse, and our last chance was him,"

"Maybe it didn't start with love, but I'm sure he has feelings for you,"

I didn't answer to him. But Ling suddenly suggested, "What do you say we go out to eat?"

"I'm not hungry," but my stomach betrayed me, and a loud growl came from my stomach.

"Come, I invite you."

"You do not need to do it," I said.

"How about pasta? I know a good restaurant," Ling dragged me with him and put him in the car.


Ling and I entered an Italian restaurant. Those foreign waiters kept looking at Ling and smiling at him, it seemed that he was familiar there. Ling ordered two dishes of red pasta with meatballs.

I tasted the pasta, and I had to admit it was good. But the shame I did to myself...

"Do you want me to order another dish?" Ling asked after I finished the dish in five minutes.

"What?" I turned all red.

"Excuse me, can we have another dish?" Ling asked the waiter to give me another dish; the waiter nodded and went back to the kitchen.

I hid my face, "What shame?"


"I always make sure- to eat one plate and eat slowly around people..."

"So what am I included of all those people?"

"I didn't mean it that way..." The waiter just arrived and replaced my empty plate with a new one full of pasta.

Ling laughed, then asked the waiter for another dish. "Can we have "Amore puro?"

"Of course," the waiter walked back into the kitchen.

"What did you order?"

"Dessert, I promise you it's delicious. Are you full?"

"No! I have another stomach for desserts!" I laughed.

A warm chocolate cake came with two scoops of ice cream, one vanilla and one with chocolate crackers on a plat.

"This is so good!"

"I told you!" Ling laughed


Ling and I left a restaurant. Ling laughed at me for walking slowly, "I ate too much..."

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