Part 11 - you hate me so much? (18+)

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"I'll be gentle," Kinn whispered in his ear and pressed against Porsche's neck, his one hand wrapped around Porsche's torso.

Porsche let out a groan of pain, and his eyes flickered uncontrollably.

Porsche felt off balance as if Kinn had bitten him. "Caught you," Kinn whispered in his ear.

"I'm fine," Porsche pushed Kinn slightly, but Kinn wouldn't relent. He wiped drops of blood from Porsche's neck and fixed his shirt. The guests watched them, applauding. Porsche felt embarrassed, as if they were laughing at him. ("Kinn always teased me, and now he's succeeding at it today.")

"Are you okay? You look pale," Kinn said.

Porsche brushed his hand away. "You can stop with the show," he muttered.

"Porsche!!" Two familiar voices sounded in his ear.

"Jom! Tem!! What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't make it!" Porsche was glad to see his friends.

"It's all thanks to Kinn; he flew us on their private plane," Jom said.

"Thanks, Kinn," said Tem.

"Thank you for coming on short notice; I arranged guest rooms for you too. Feel free to ask the servants for help," Kinn said.

"Thanks, Kinn," said Jom.

"Welcome back, I let you catch up with Porsche, I will go now, I need to check a few things," said Kinn.

("He thinks he's working on someone with his excessive kindness.") Porsche thought.

"Porsche, can you believe we'll see each other again at your wedding?" Tem hugged him tightly.

"You're heavy!" said Porsche.

"Don't be mean, I'm not just carrying my weight," said Tem.

"What? When?" Porsche wondered.

"I don't know the exact time... we're doing it three times a day," said Jom.

"Shhh, he didn't mean that!" Tem nudged Jom.

Porsche laughed. Tem started crying.

"Why are you crying?" Porsche asked.

"Hormones," Jom chuckled. Porsche couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you planning to return to Thailand forever?" Porsche asked curiously.

"We have another half year in New York, then we can come back...," Porsche was disappointed.

"Half a year is nothing," said Tem.

"I know... but..."

"Hello!!!" A loud voice echoed, it was Tankhun. "Porsche, I didn't know your friends were this handsome!"

"Tem!!" Chay hugged him tightly.

"Chay! You've grown!" Jom said.

"You mean I've gotten fat?" Chay asked.

"You mean he's gotten fat?" Tem asked.

They both said together, and Jom started sweating. They both started laughing.

"It's still easy to mess with him," Tem joked about his husband.

"Even though the time passed, he's still stupid..." Tem laughed at his husband.

"Tem be easy on him," Porsche glared at his friend.

"Hello to all our guests; I would like you to take your seats so we can start the bride and groom dance," said the host.

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