Part 4 - I will never beg you!

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Tankhun entered the room and saw what Kinn and Porsche were doing.

"What are you doing?" Tankhun asked.

"Hia, who gave you permission to enter?" Kinn released his hold on Porsche. Porsche tried to get off the bed, but Kinn grabbed his hand.

"If you think I need permission, you're wrong! Porsche, go to your room, I need to talk to my brother."

"Let me go already," Porsche said, punching Kinn in the shoulder.

Porsche quickly left the room.

"You're in the way," Kinn said while putting on his shirt.

"Did you mean to mark him?" Tankhun asked

Kinn took a cigarette out of the pack.

"Do you think this is funny?" Tankhun asked he was seething with anger at his brother.

"Hia, I don't think it has anything to do with you," Kinn said coldly.

Tankhun was silent for a few moments, "Just because you're an alpha doesn't mean you're allowed to do whatever you want," Tankhun left the room angry. It was the first time his brother had a serious conversation with him.

Kinn didn't intend to go that far but felt that Porsche wasn't going to take a step back, and Kinn didn't want to show any weakness. He knew his pride had gotten the better of him. Kinn, knowing that Porsche was also full of pride. After all, that's why he loved racing with him when they were kids. Porsche was the only one that would beat him.


Porsche returned to his room and quickly ran to the bathroom. He felt the need to throw up. The cold sweat came back to his body again, and flashbacks of Tawan came back to him, even though he knew he was protected as long he was in Kinn's house, which made him angry, he wanted to protect himself, wanted to fight for his family.

Porsche got into the shower and washed his body. He felt he had to freshen up and go out. He wore high-rise black pants with wide legs and a belly shirt. He was planning to go out quietly to drink alone in some bar, but then...

"runs away?" Tankhun asked and was with another person

"No, I'm just going to get some fresh air..." Porsche said

"Hi, I'm Pete, I'm Vegas' wife, cousin of..." Pete introduced himself.

"I know Vega, we went to school together," said Porsche.

"Didn't they go to alpha-only schools?" Pete asked.

"It's a bit of a complex story..." Porsche explained.

"Forget it! who cares about them... let's go get drunk!!!" Tankhun shouted and pulled Pete and Porsche's hands.

"I told Vegas we'd be at home..." Pete said

"He doesn't need to know," Tankhun said and looked at Porsche, who looked scared. "Don't tell me you want to ask Kinn to go out?" Tankhun asked.

"I don't need anyone's permission! Let's go!!" Porsche advanced to the door.

"I love my brothers-in-law!!!" Tankhun yelled.


"What is this place?" Pete asked

"Don't worry, it's safe here. I know the owner," Porsche explained.

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