Part 9 - dance with the devil

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six years earlier

Porsche went to a sports class with his friends. He noticed that Kinn was missing from the first lesson and was relieved that he wouldn't have to compete with him. In every sports class, Kinn liked to tease and challenge him.

As Porsche changed into his gym clothes with the rest of his classmates, Porsche couldn't stop smiling.

"Porsche, why are you so happy?" one of his classmates asked.

"Me?" Porsche replied with a smile, closing his locker.

"Because now he doesn't have to compete with Kinn, as they decided today..." answered another classmate.

"Not at all. If he shows up now, I'll compete with him," Porsche said as he faced his locker.

"Really?" said Kinn, who entered late.

"What are you doing here?" Porsche turned quickly and stepped back, bumping into the locker.

"Why did the smile fade?" Kinn grinned, unbuttoning his shirt.

"You can stay away from me; your smell is disgusting," Porsche said.

Kinn smelled himself, "That's not true; I smell good!"

Kinn leaned in close to Porsche.

Porsche pushed Kinn away. "Stay away!!"

"You're hurting my feelings," Kinn said, laughing.

The teacher entered the locker room, "You have 5 minutes to get to the field!"

"Want to compete?" Kinn suggested.

"Let's do it!"

Kinn and Porsche started running to the field quickly.

"You lost again!" Kinn said to Porsche, who struggled to breathe and fell to his knees.

"What happened?" Kinn asked with concern.

Kinn bent down to Porsche and placed his hand on Porsche's forehead. Porsche quickly pushed his hand away.

"It seems you have a fever," Kinn said.

"I'm fine!" Porsche straightened up and stood on his feet.

"Are you sure? Maybe we should go to the clinic?" Kinn suggested.

"Even if I go to the clinic, it won't be with you!" Porsche said, distancing himself from Kinn.

After all the students arrived, the teacher forced everyone to run around the field five times. Porsche and Kinn competed again, but Porsche started to feel the heat affecting him.

"Porsche, you're sweating a lot," Kinn said.

"I'm sweating because I'm running."

"Since when do you sweat so much and so quickly?"

"Are you my mom?" ("I think I'm about to lose my mind; why is his smell so strong?)"

"Maybe we should stop?"

"If it's hard for you to run, you can stop!"

"Porsche, why do you have to turn everything into a competition?"

"Me? You're the one... who loves... competition...."

Porsche fell to the ground, his entire body tense, and he slowly began to lose consciousness. Kinn's eyes widened.

"Porsche?" ("Omega's pheromone?") Kinn saw that the rest of the class was approaching and quickly put Porsche on his back. He ran with him to the nurse's clinic(Porsche! Get up!").

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