Part 20 - My mark

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I woke up in a panic, and Kinn was asleep beside me.

"What happened?" Kinn asked, cupping my face with his palms.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yes, why?" Kinn asked me; he was confused.

I touched his entire body and ran my fingers through his hair, feeling something wet. I quickly pulled my fingers out, and it was blood.

"Why are you bleeding?"

"Because of you," Kinn said, and our brightly lit room turned gray.

"Porsche, you killed me," blood kept oozing from Kinn's head.

"Kinn!!!!" I screamed as he fell onto my shoulder.

I woke up drenched in sweat in an unfamiliar room, surveyed the unfamiliar room, and found an IV drip attached to my arm. "Kinn!!"

"Porsche, you're awake?"


"Where's Kinn?"

"Kinn? Kinn is dead," Ling said, laughing.

"That's not true," I touched my neck to feel the mark, but it was gone.

I quickly got up, pulled the needle from my arm, and tried to stab with it, but Ling was stronger than me and grabbed my arm. Tears flowed uncontrollably, and a sharp pain hit my chest.

"Porsche, calm down; this isn't healthy for you."

"Why didn't you kill him!!"

"Porsche, I'll treat you well. I enjoyed spending time with you that day."

"Get lost! What about my family?!"

"How could I hurt them? How could I harm the family of my mate?"

"I'd rather be dead!" I tried to walk toward the door, but Ling stopped me. "Let me go! I'm going to Kinn!"

"Didn't you hear? Kinn is dead, and I considered you're dead too."

"What did you do?..."

"I fake your death, I..."

"I don't want to hear it- I'm going back there."

"You think you can return after you caused Kinn's death?"

"Kinn didn't die, I didn't do anything!"

"The phone you brought in allowed us to take control of all the house's systems."

"I didn't know..."

"It doesn't matter. Your family has a chance to survive- if you stay with me,"

"Shut up!!"

"You think Theerapanyakul family will stay quiet once they find out you betrayed them? They will sell your brother and cousin to a brothel, and your father's head will be hung- on their roof." Ling laughed.

"I don't believe you!"

"Don't you want to protect your family for once? Think about it... if both of you die, they'll think someone else betrayed the family. But if you return, you'll bring death to your entire family."

"I'll tell them!"

"And do you think everything will remain the same? Jin has just found happiness after losing his father because of you, and Chay almost lost his life when you both ran away from home."

"How do you know all that?!"

"There's something else you don't know."


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