Chapter 1 - Last kid.

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I do not own any of these characters expect (F!)Y/N and OC's, this will be told from Y/N's and different characters POV'S. Possible swearing may present. Family issues and childhood trauma will show. Please click off if you are uncomfortable with any of these or read with cation. I do apologise for any grammar mistakes. }


Y/N's and Wriothesley's encounter

The little girl which was named Sigewinne was always the last kid to leave the daycare. I couldn't figure out why... Whenever I left her to her own devices she would suddenly come running up with her first aid looking backpack over her shoulder and a big grin plastered across her face, she would always say, "I'm going home now, Ms. Y/N! Thank you for looking after me!"

Though I never took a real good glance at her parental figure I knew they were a police officer. He was always in uniform and had a set of handcuffs on his hip, like he was here to arrest me. Though that's never happened it's just a thought which plays through my head. A weird thought...

I could never grasp why he couldn't pick up Sigewinne, like yes, of course I understand police officers are busy but still. Doesn't he have a wife or someone who can pick her up? I'm not complaining that I have to stay after hours, I love Sigewinne... She's a great kid but I have my own life and business to tend too -- I also don't get paid for working past hours.

Now I was watching time tick, tick like a terrorising bomb. My eyes glanced towards her direction. Sigewinne was one full of mysteries... She had a wild obsession with medical stuff. Whenever a kid hurt themselves she would pull out one of her little plastic tools and "treat" them. Though of course this never worked and I would have to tend to them myself.

My footsteps clicked along the ground as I grew closer to the small child. Her blue bouncy hair flowing side to side as she swayed her head around. Her eyes pinned down to one of the children pop up books. 

"He started to look around for some food...

One Monday he ate through one apple. But he was still very hungry!"

Sigewinne's voice read the words written along the page. She was a very smart kid, one who had more knowledge than your average child. She hummed gently to herself as her fingers slipped through her hair ties. Her hair fell out and rested against her shoulder. I knew her guardian preferred her hair up.

"Oh Ms. Y/N! I'm reading a book!" She held up her book. 

"Oh I see that, mini sweetling," I squatted down to her level, "Sigewinne do you know when you're getting picked up? It's getting pretty late,"

"Do you not like me here?" She pressed her finger against her lip. That innocent stare she held across her face... like she wasn't exactly as innocent as she portrayed herself to be.

"Of course not! You're a very sweet child it's just we can't keep you forever, can we?" I ran my fingers underneath Sigewinne's armpits, gently tickling her.

"Hehe! I know!!" She began to giggle, "Stopppp!" She kicked around.

"Never!" I hummed a happy note.

Suddenly the door pushed open and the bell tingled across the room. I jerked my head towards  the door. Unexpectedly my eyes were met with the presence of a tall muscular man... His head lapped with dark grey hair with a few strands of light grey running through it. His body was covered in scars and he had those boxing glove wraps around and up his arms. I couldn't help but feel my face burn... he was way more attractive than I thought he was. His fingers sat on his hip, slowly teasing the handcuffs that locked there.

"Yaya! You're back!" Sigewinne ran up to him, her arms wrapped around his legs.

"Hey sweet Sigewinne," He ran his fingers through her hair, "How's my little future nurse?" He bent down to her level.

"Good! Me and Ms. Y/N did finger painting today! I'll show you it when it dries,"

I felt my shoulders raise into a hunch... I had never been this close or had a conversation with him. Most of the conversations were through my boss and guardians, "Oh yeah we did..." I laughed nervously.

"Good." His eyes dropped to me... they had a cold radiating blue running across them.

"How about you go and pack your bag Sigewinne? I'm going to go and talk to Ms. Y/N, okay?"

"I already have!" Sigewinne had packed up early, normally she spent her time playing games with me, this meant she had to pack up when he arrived.

"Ah- well how about I tie your hair back up while I talk...?" He extended his hand for her hair ties. She gently rested her hand against his and placed them in.

"Good girl, now turn around," He spun his finger around.

"What if I don't want to tie my hair up?!"

"Sigewinne, come on,"

"Fine..." She spun around on the spot. Her back now facing him and her face facing me. She gave me the biggest toothy grin.

Wriothesley's hands slipped through her hair. He gently tugged at it while he pulled the hair tie over the hair. His face was soft while he tied it up. The sight I was watching was one to be held onto... They're fatherly and daughterly bond strong and passionate, whether they were actually connected biologically or not.

"Sorry for being so late Y/N," His voice cut me off, "I've been busy lately. I do apologise,"

"Oh... that's okay!" I gave him a small thumbs up, my mouth curving into a smile.

"Thank you for understanding. I'm assuming she's been good?" His eyes pictured down to Sigewinne. She gave a small pout.

"Oh yes! Of course, she's wonderful," I itched the back of my neck nervously.

After he finished tying up her hair he slipped his hand through Sigewinne's and gave it a light squeeze, "What do you say to Ms. Y/N?"

"Thank you! Bye bye Ms. Y/N!"

Wriothesley chuckled, his other hand running to Sigewinne's shoulder to take off her backpack and hold it in his hand, "Alright. Come on, Sigewinne. Goodbye Y/N."

"Goodbye you two!" I waved.

His figure turned around and he began to slowly emerge away into nothing... I gritted my teeth, annoyed at how much time had passed and how late he was. I felt my stomach grumble and stir... it was time to eat. 

As I went to grab some food from the fridge I realised Sigewinne had left her bunny plushie on the ground. I bent over and picked it up, my face turned to a frown. I sighed and slipped it under my arm. 

"I'll take it home... just incase, I don't want anyone taking it from her and it getting ruined..."

Sigewinne's dare || Wriothesley x F!Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now