Chapter 5 - Friends.

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I jumped out of the car, my feet landing on the hard dusty gravel ground. The dust and dirt ran up and stained my white sneakers, oh no... Before my eyes was the tall colourful daycare to which I spent my days at. My eyes twinkled and shined as the colours flooded my vision. I turned my gaze back to Wriothesley, he was adjusting his grey vest.

He crotched down, "You got everything?" He questioned with a smile. I nodded in response, a warm cheeky smile radiating onto my face. I twirled my body side by side, "Come on," He held out a couple fingers, hinting for me to hold his hand.

I slipped my hands onto his fingers, giving him a small squeeze which hinted I was ready to go inside. 

We slowly made our way in. I was first hit with the bright colours and rainbows of the walls and paintings. It was nothing like Wriothesley's dim brown dusty office. Nothing.

The climate Wriothesley worked in reflected himself. The cold musty scent, the eerie darkness that fell in the walls. It really showed his past and who he has become now.

In all seriousness, he's a loving parental figure. He kisses me goodnight, spends hours on just learning how to do hair, cooks me meals after working for hours on hours and takes me shopping for clothes and toys. I mean, what more could I ask for? He always manages to make time for me in his tight schedule.

I do want a mother though, I haven't felt the warming hugs of a mum even since my biological parents died. I feel bad but I cling to Y/N a lot. Every time I go to Wriothesley to tell him this all he does is give me a sadden face. I don't know why?

I turn my head to the left, sitting in the corner was my friends; Klee and Diona. I quickly released myself from Wriothesley's hand and ran over to them.

"Sige-!" I heard Wriothesley call out my name and reach for me but I wanted to see my friends! So I ignored him and paced forward to them.

"Sorry Diona, Master Jean said that Klee couldn't bring them because it's bad..." The little girl dressed in red swayed herself side by side, her backpack following behind her movements. "Anyway, I'm going to go and see if Sigewinne is here!"

I slowly crept up behind her and boom! I gently jumped on her backpack, tugging her downwards to give a little scare, "Hehe! You looking for me?" I tilted my head and smiled.

"Oh! You gave Klee AND Dodoco a fright! I was just talking about to you to Diona... Did you read Klee's mind?!" She leaned forward towards my face, her red eyes widened in surprise and excitement.

I giggled, "Yep! Wriothesley taught me how to do it!" I placed my hands on hips and grinned smugly.

"Whoa! You and Wriothesley are so cool!!" She leaned back and landed one of her hands on the chest of her red and white dress.

"Anyway, what are you guys talking about?" I questioned, curious since I didn't get to hear the start of the conversation. I looked to Diona who looked back at me confused.

"Uhh..." Her cat like ears perked up, "Nothing," She grumbled, one of her hands landed against her hip, "Do you want to do something?" She asked, her tail swaying side by side.

"Uh, yeah!" I started, "Just give me a minute." I turned to face the exit. Wriothesley was still standing there, he was waiting for me to come up and say my goodbyes. I wanted to start playing right away and I didn't want to hold up Wriothesley any longer. I ran over to him, my arms wide and ready for a hug.

He bent down and opened his arms, ready to embrace me back. I slipped my arms around his chest and towards his back, squeezing him tightly.

"Sige, you're hugging me pretty tightly," He chuckled. I felt his hand hug me back; I was quickly hit with the warmth of his hugs and love. He pressed his lips against my forehead and gently kissed there.

"I'll try to finish work early so we can get that ice-cream I promised you, okay...?" He pulled back, his hands slowly slipping to hold onto my shoulder gently. "Now be a good girl, I don't want anyone telling me you're misbehaving okay?"

I nodded to both of his questions, "And chocolate ice-cream, remember?"

He stood up, "I know, chocolate ice-cream. Bye-bye, I love you Sigewinne."

"Bye-Bye, I love you too Da- Wriothesley!"

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