Chapter 11 (Part 2) - Exile.

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𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒. - 𝒞𝓁𝑜𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒹𝑒 𝒫𝒪𝒱.

"Why are you ignoring Y/N?" I rested my phone down on the table, turning it off with a click of the button. My eyes targeted the black haired man, he was sipping at his tea while his pale eyes darted across files and files of continues paperwork.

He looked up at me, his eyebrows pinning down, "I'm not and how would you know anyway?" He sighed, placing the papers in his lap. His voice lapped emotion of obvious lying. His leg tapped against the ground, his boot clicking along with each and every stroke and impact.

"Because she's my friend and I actually care for her." I glared at him. I saw him shift around in his seat in an uncomfortable manner. My fingers ran up to pinch my nose bridge tightly as my eyes closed into a tight squeeze, "Why? She said you were."

His eyes left my face and pinned down onto the ground. "It's nothing. It's my own personal stuff. I wouldn't worry about me too much Clorinde." His fingers ran over his sliver handcuffs. Pulling and tugging at them while his leg still tapped. 

Wriothesley displayed several amounts of signs for anxiety. His leg tapping, avoiding eye contact and the tone in his voice. What was going on? He was never this distant from any of us. He was always somewhat chatty and teasing, never cold and absent. I drew closer, my hands sliding to snuggly hold a grip on his chair.

"What's bothering you?" I asked, tilting my head to read the papers that sat on his lap. It was about a man who had recently gotten arrested called "Ajax". Wriothesley was managing this case and I slowly started to pick up on some small details. 

He wasn't doing much of the work and he would bring some home with him. The next day it would be done but his eyes would be bloodshot and red. This proved he was staying up just to do some basic case files. It wasn't the first time he's left paperwork to the last minute though.

He has a daughter and a life to deal with. He's putting a lot more stress on himself than he should be. I couldn't imagine how much sleep he was getting at this rate. I'm getting really concerned for his mental health.

"Nothing," He sipped at his tea, "Just tired." His free hand ran up to rub his sore red eyes. I felt a ping of guilt run across me. Could this be the reason he was ignoring Y/N? Could it perhaps just be his tiredness toying with him?

No. He was still replying to me perfectly fine.

I tugged on my black leather jacket and drew a silent sigh, "Alright. Don't overwork yourself," I gently patted his shoulder, reassuring him whatever was effecting him would suit itself out eventually. I turned around and walked back to my chair.

I began to sort through the work I had been tasked with. The whole time I worked Wriothesley typed out what seemed to be paragraphs on his phone. He still had that sad frowning expression on his face. Sometimes I wished he had glasses, just so it could reflect what he was looking at. Show what was making him upset and sad.

Suddenly the door opened and there stood a tall white haired man. His hair was long and white with a few faded streaks of blue. He dressed in a formal manner; white button up shirt, black jeans and a black coat. "Wriothesley," He spoke.

Wriothesley's heard jerked to him, his mouth slightly open. Being on his phone wasn't the greatest look for him nor me, "Yes, Monsieur Neuvillette?" He quickly turned off his phone and slid it onto the table.

"I request your presence for a meeting," He said softly. There was no anger in his tone, which surprised me. I expected Neuvillette to go at him for being on his phone. Wriothesley looked at me to which I silently shrugged back.

He stood up, adjusting his vest and then his collar, "Alright," He murmured.

Neuvillette walked off, Wriothesley followed behind. 

"Great..." I sighed, leaning back in my chair, "This is going to be a long day of work. Wriothesley is upset, Y/N is a little bit herself and something is obviously going on if Neuvillette needs him."

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