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I sat there, watching the time slowly pass by. A dull ache covered my head as thoughts surrendered my mind, like a fleeting dream of thousands of colours. Though what Wriothesley did was wrong, what I did was wrong too. Perhaps, that's why we are together. Maybe, we are together because of our crimes. When I tell everyone that I was born from Melusine's, I lie. When I tell them I was born from humans, that's also a lie. The truth is, those parents I had, during the flood? They had adopted me but, I had grown very fond of them. Like they we're actually my true parents. I actually can't remember who or what they we're, my original parents that is, but I remember how it came to this.

Now, I will tell you my truth. How I'm so smart, for someone "my age".


She was a young small Melusine. She had the limbs of one. Unlike her now fair coloured skin, she was mainly blue. This little Melusine, was smart. That's how I'm so smart. She had a passion for tending to people with her medical items, it was what she enjoyed. She helped many people with a cheerful smile, her eyes glistening with determination to provide and support those around her.

One day, when she was looking for the flowers she needed for her medications, she ran across a small girl playing by the water. She had brown hair, and was rather chirpy. The small Melusine approached her, holding her small little satchel of herbs in her hand. When she drew herself beside the human, her spare arm gently waved a hello.

The little girl, stunned to see a Melusine, jumped back on her two tiny feet. She chuckled nervously, "Hello..." She muttered, raising her hand to gesture back the same motion Sigewinne did, "What are you doing?" Sigewinne tilted her head, "And oh! I'm Sigewinne, but many people call me Winnie!"

The small little human girl giggled, "Oh, I'm Ruby and I'm playing a game! Do you want to join?" She gestured her hand forward for the blue creature to grasp. Sigewinne had never had such close contact to a real, human being, but she agreed. She gently slipped her tiny like paws into the palm of the child.

The two played together, smiling, laughing. Forever, happy. Well, that was until the little girl suddenly fell sick. Sigewinne was filled with sadness, that her best friend was now ill and unwell. So, one day, she ventured out towards her home. She held her medical kit in her hand as she approached the building.

She took a deep breath in as she reached for the door handle. As she twisted the doorknob, she pulled the door open and before her eyes, was the little girl who she played with every single day laying cold on the bed. Sigewinne ran forward, wanting to help her as soon as possible. But she was soon met with the yell of an angry old man.

"Melusine! Get out of our house! You disgusting creature!"

Melusine's at the time were so outcasted you couldn't even walk down the street. The creature took a couple steps back, shock filling over her face. She held up her medical items, pleading and begging she would be able to help. Though, no matter how many times she asked, the angry man never agreed. It was then one sentence that he said, that glued to Sigewinne, 'Melusine's are useless creatures! They will never get anywhere!'

With her head dipped in defeat and sadness, she trudged out the door and out towards the first spot they originally met. Wiping the tears that leaked from her eyes, she spotted a tall and wide forest. Maybe, she could find something that she could convince the humans to let her heal her best friend.

Taking a deep breath, she ran into the forest, med kit still laying in her hand in case anything happens. As the Melusine travelled in deeper, a storm soon began to pour. It drenched her fur. Her ears dropped, attempting to cover her vision. Her little tail bounced as she sprinted deep within'.

Finally, she came to a halt as she spotted a witch. The ugly woman glared at the Melusine, "What do you want?" She hissed, her voice laced with disgust. Sigewinne spotted the magical like liquid that swirled around the area. As she watched it, an idea came to her head. She pointed her hand forward, "That... do you think you could make one that'll turn me into a human?"

The witch's eyebrows furrowed but she nodded, "Yes..." Surprisingly, the woman made it without any further arguing. 

The potion now laid in her hands--the blue like paws. One of the last time she would ever see them.

The words the witch spoke still lingered in her head to this day, "When you drink this, you will grow limbs that of a human."

And so she did.



The so-called Melusine made her way back to her friends house. A cloak drifted over her head to hide her ears and tail. As she opened the door, the man welcomed her with wide arms. He was now the one begging and pleading for help for his daughter. She disliked it, but she had to help.

Soon, the girl was okay, but Sigewinne knew she wouldn't be able to remember her. Not with this new appearance. So she left, traveling away.

But, as all things seemed good, Sigewinne was caught. The Iudex laid before her, stunned at her new appearance. She remembered his words, 'Sigewinne, what have you done? Why do you now contain human limbs?' It was a crime that couldn't be undone, but, they wouldn't send a child to prison would they? So, he sent her away, far away, to a family.

She was never allowed to go outside, no one could know who she truly was. 

No one could know about the MELUSINE HUMAN.

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