Harrys Sister (Doctor)

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Harrys POV

I woke up and it was 7 am, wait why am I up so early I asked myself?? Oh yeah, I have to take my sister to the doctor. My parents died in a car accident when Callie was only a year old so I am her legal guardian since I am 18. Cal is now 2 years old and to make matters worse for her, she hated doctors and me and the boys are doctors. We own a clinic 30 min from my house. Oh and me and the boys live together. (In this story the boys are not famous). I went downstairs to see Louis cooking breakfast.

"Hey Haz, wake Callie up, her appointment is at 8:30 am with us and shes going to be fussy", Louis told me.

"I know, I am going", I said.

I went up to Callies room to see her snoring. Wait, she never snores unless she has a stuffed nose. Maybe she is getting sick. I picked her up from the crib and rubbed her back in an attempt to wake her up. She just squirmed around in my arms trying to break free. Huh? she is never like that. I keep rubbing her back and she starts to flutter her eyes.

"Callie baby, can u please wake up for Haz, we have to go somewhere?", I asked her.

"Where Haz, I dont want to go anywhere", she said and started crying.

"Shhhh, baby why are you crying?", I asked. She is never this cranky unless she is sick. Good thing she has a checkup today. She hushed up after my question and I took her downstairs to give her apple sauce. She refused to eat anything which made me furious. When we went downstairs, all of the boys were there.

"Cal baby please eat", Liam said. She just shook her head. We all tried but she didn't care. I picked her up and put her on my hip and went towards the couch. I laid her down on the couch but she kept trying to get up. So, Zayn held her little hands and pushed her shoulders down. Callie just started crying not knowing what was happening.

Louis understood and went upstairs to get the medical bag where we could check her out because she was clearly sick and we can't do her yearly checkup when she is sick so we canceled her appointment. He came down and handed it to me.

"Princess, I am just going to check your breathing, just look at Haz", Louis said.

She started kicking so I held her legs so she couldn't hurt us and herself. She was sobbing so much and it hurt me to see her like that but I had no choice. Soon she would be tired of all the thrashing and screaming. I could tell that Louis couldn't listen to her breathing because of her screaming so I put her dummy in her mouth. She screamed and threw it out of her little mouth.

I picked her up and sat her on my lap and rubbed her back singing a lullaby to her so she could go to sleep. It was working and her breathing evened out meaning she was asleep. Louis quickly checked her breathing and her temperature which was 102 degrees F. When Louis took the thermometer out of her ear she started waking up. I quickly laid her down on the couch because we had to check her stomach, eyes, ears and throat.

"Lou-Lou", my little sister called out.

Louis went to her and held her hand. She was just staring at him. Niall went towards her stomach and pulled up her shirt only for Callie to pull it back down. Louis held both of her arms above her head and cooed at her while I held her legs and Zayn and Liam whispered soothing things in her ear to keep her calm. Niall quickly pressed on her stomach and she started screaming.

"Baby girl, does it hurt somewhere?", I asked. She shook her head and said

"Me no like it". I understood what she meant and we quickly moved onto her ears and eyes which was no problem.

"Callie can you quickly open your mouth for us?", Liam asked.

To our surprise she said, "yes" and opened up.

"good girl", Niall praised her while he took a look at her throat and gave us a thumbs down which meant something is wrong.

"Cal babe, you are done, u can go to sleep" Louis told her. She crawled up in Zayns lap and went to sleep as she snuggled up to him. We all awed as everyone knew she got cuddly when she was sick.

When she woke up I tried to give her medicine. I tried. Louis came in and held her nose while I quickly gave her the medicine as she opened her mouth. I knew she would be mad at me so I started walking out of the room only to hear her yell.

"HARRY, I want Haz", and she started crying so I quickly went up to her and laid beside her giving her cuddles.

Next Day **

I quickly woke up and went downstairs to see the boys ready and eating breakfast. Our plan was to take Cal in today as she was feeling worse. We kind of did the yearly checkup at home so we don't need to do that. But we need to take a Strep throat test, blood test and give her fever reducers. She wont like us for quite a bit for this.

I picked Cal up from her room and went to the car and strapped her in the car seat. Lou quickly drives and we arrived at our clinic. Callie started waking up, so we rushed inside and put her on the table. She woke up and started crying knowing where she was. I rushed to her side and tried to calm her down. I sang her her favorite lullaby and she was all calm. I sat on the table with her on my lap. She was moving around everywhere so I held her tight while the boys tried to give her the shot.

"Let med go, me no like u anymore Ni Ni, Lou and Zaynie and everyone!", she screamed. It broke our hearts to hear that but we knew what had to be had to be done. Louis counted to 3 and gave her the fever reducer shot. Zayn held her arm while Niall put the needle in her arm for the blood test.

"OUT OUT. Owieeee!!", She screamed.

"SHhhhhhhh princess almost done, I love you", I told her and she just cried. Niall took the blood and sealed it. We checked her throat to see no redness so we canceled the strep test.

We all went home and she slept in her crib. When she woke up she was feeling much better and cuddled with us while saying, 'I wuv u guyws'......Shes so cute.

Hi people,

This is my second book and I do take requests so send me some requests and inbox me any prompts. Thanks and keep reading because this book will go much further. Don't forget to vote.....

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