Imagine for NIXLLWIFI (Doctor)

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Prompt: Can I get a doctor imagine where Niall is my doctor and my boyfriends and I get sick and he needs to do a check up but I'm a but scared but don't really want to admit it.


Kamila's POV

"Hey Niall (cough) (cough)" I say. For some reason I've not been feeling good today, I've been coughing uncontrollably, my head and throat hurts. "Babe are you ok? You've coughing all day maybe I should check you out" he said. "NO" I said too fast. We were on the couch me cuddling with Niall. My back was towards his chest and I was on his lap. Niall put me in a position where my head was on his lap and my body on the couch. "Ni, wh-cough cough" I tried to speak but he put his finger on my mouth telling me to be quiet. By now my throat was on fire so I agreed with him. He tried to put his hand on my forehead to take my temperature but I moved my head. "Shh babe let me check you" he said and I shook my head no."Are you scared babe?" he asked and kissed my forehead. Dang it! I shook my head no again and made like a 'duh' face. "Shh baby nothing to be scared of I promise. I'm not going to do anything that will freak you out" he said and pulled out a medical bag from behind the couch. Why did he keep one there? Weird! "Open your mouth, I''m going to take  your temperature" He instructed and I complied. The thermometer beeped and he took it out with a frown on his face. "102 F babe Now lets check your throat and heart and you'll be all done I promise" He took out a tongue depressor and a light and asked me to open.  "No Ni thats no-" I was cut off by him putting the tongue depressor in my mouth and looking in my throat, he forcefully made me say aaah and after 30 seconds took it out.  I just pouted looking at him. "I'm sorry babe we have to go to my clinic" he told me.

Niall's POV

As soon as I told Kamila she had to go to my clinic she freaked out and ran away to our bedroom. First I called Louis and told him the situation and also told him to meet me there. Then, I found a spare key and opened our bedroom door and saw her under the bed."Gotcha'" I said and pulled her arms so she could come out from under neath the bed. "Ni, I-don-t wa-n-t to g-o. I'm sc-scare-d" she stuttered while shaking. "Babe I know you are scared you just had to tell me so I could've been more careful of you. Louis is gonna meet us in the clinic and I am just going to check you out properly there and maybe you'll have to stay the night. I'm not sure" I admitted. She calmed down a bit and held onto me like if she let go she would die. That was a good thing because I carried her to the car while she clinged to me.

*skipping the car ride*

"come on babe lets go" I said. She picked up her arms and made grabby hands to me like a child. I gladly picked her up and put her on my hip and carried her into the clinic in an exam room where Louis was waiting. "Hi Kamila" Louis said and she just waved. "She's got strep throat and I need to take a swab and give her a fever reducer shot and an I.V" I explained to Louis maybe a bit too loudly because my beautiful girlfriend heard me and tried to escape. I grabbed her by her waist and held her against my chest while she was flailing her arms around. I picked her up and put her on the bed and her breathing was hitched badly.

"Babe you need to copy my breaths come on" I said and placed her hand on my chest. She copied my breathing for a while and calmed down in about 2 minutes. I got my doctors coat and wore that, I came back into the exam room to see Louis holding Kamila. I got a tongue depressor and a swab and went over to them.

"babe please open up" I asked her. "No way thats going in my mouth" she said and tried to fight against me. "Please babe I promise it wont hurt" I pleaded but she shook her head no and gave me puppy dog eyes. She tried to get up and go home but Louis held her tightly. Louis came over to me. "Let me do the exam you comfort her" he told me and I nodded. I put my beautiful girl friend in my lap  with her back against my chest. I put my legs over hers so she couldn't kick.  "Lets try this again babe open up" I told her but she shook her head again. Oh my poor baby girl is so scared I wish I could do something. She swatted Louis hand that was holding the swab and sticked out her tongue at him. Yea sometimes she is really childish. Louis got another swab and sighed. He put down the tongue depressor and turned to us. I started to kiss her neck in which she moaned. Louis quickly pinched her nose and made her open and put the swab down her mouth. She gagged and Louis took it out.

"I cant believe you did that" she said and made a pouty face while hugging me ever so tightly and then she started crying. I held her while trying to hush her."I'm sorry babe I love you so much but we had to do that for your own good. shh" I said trying to hush her that still didnt work. "You're alright" "Calm down nothings wrong" "Shh babe" I said all of these things to her and swayed her back and forth. That worked. "Ok babe, look at Niall" Louis said. She was really confused but I held her head my way and Louis quickly gave her the shot. "Oww That hurt" she whined. "It's all done though now you only need an IV" I told her and kissed her on the cheek. She held out her arm to us in surprise because we though we would have to fight her. Louis wiped her sensitive elbow inner part of her arm and inserted the IV. I was expecting a scream but I looked down and saw my girlfriend was asleep. I laid with her on the bed for half an hour because of her IV then I took it out and went home with her. "Ni" she said sleepily."Go to sleep babe we're going home and you do have strep" I told her. "Oh no Now I cant kiss you" she whined and I chuckled at her behavior and kissed her cheek. "Happy?" I asked her. She nodded and went to sleep again.

AN: Hi guys Thanks You so much for all the votes and reads. I hope you keep voting because there is a lot more coming including the 4000 word imagine. I will update that in about 8 days. Sorry for the wait to all the people but my laptop actually broke today in the morning so now I am using this old crappy small laptop. I cant tell my parents about wattpad so. If my updates are slower I apologize. 

Please checkout fartingkitkat (s) "One Directions Doctor Imagines" book. Its amazing if I say so myself.  And also check out analau1505 (s) book."It all started with braces". Thank you guys again. xxxx.

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