Imagine for allthoseimagines

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Niall's POV

"Lou be careful. Thats my little sister" I told Louis laughing. Me and the boys are in dentists and barely have time off but today we did so we were outside in the back yard playing soccer with my little sister Well, shes not that little anymore because shes 14 years old. "Louis!" I scream in panic because I thought the ball hit Alyssa. I saw Louis kicking the ball again and this time it did hit Alyssa. "Ahhh!" she screamed in pain. I immediately went to her and saw her on the ground so I picked her up and carried her inside the house and laid her on the couch and held her hand. "shhh. Its alright. Let us see whats wrong ok?" I asked her. Sh shakes her head and clamps her mouth shut. "Babe, you're in pain and we need to see whats wrong so stop being so stubborn" Liam said in a firm tone. She whimpered so Harry just held her hand while Louis looked guilty. "I am so sorry!!! I really didn't mean to. I am so sorry!!" He kept apologizing. Liam took his phone out and turned the flashlight on. "Its o--" She got cut off by Liam as he stuck a little bit of his fingers in her mouth to keep it open so he could see what was wrong. "mmm" She kept squirming. Liam sighed and took his fingers out. "We have to take her to the clinic" He told us. "NOOOO!" Alyssa screamed trying to get off the couch. "its bleeding though" Liam said. we just held her down until Louis picked her up and took her to the car and we all sat down driving to the clinic. 

"No I am not going inside" Alyssa stuttered. "You have to!" Harry said and picked her up carrying her inside and laying on the chair in an exam room with her on top of him. He locked her legs with his and held her hands tightly. Louis put on his mask with me and his gloves but not before washing our hands while Liam held Alyssa with Harry. We laid them both down and pinched Alyssas nose shut so she opened her mouth and we inserted the mouth prop. Tears immediately started streaming down her face. "Shh love, its alright. Youre fine" I comforted her. I picked up my tools and started looking in her mouth to see she knocked 3 teeth loose and we'd just have to pull them out. I told that to Louis and he started apologizing again. "Louis calm down, it was a mistake" I told him and he nodded getting back to work. "Ok Alyssa, you're just going to feel a pinch. You knocked some teeth loose so we'll just pull them out" I explained. She started kicking so Liam held her legs and I just felt realy sorry for her. 

I pick up the injection and neared it to her mouth and then injected it. "owww" She said trying to close her mouth but the prop was doing its job. I grabbed the pliers and started wiggling her teeth out. It took about 10 minutes then I put some dissolvable stitches in. "Aww babe you even cut your lip" Louis said. I sighed and cleaned up her lip and stitched it up. While I was doing that she started kicking Harry trying to get off f him. "Stop kicking. Alyssa we're trying to help you now sit still" Liam told her firmly and she nodded. Yes I do know how to stitch it up because I took a small course on doctors and stuff so I can do that stuff. "All done" I told her lifting her chair and taking out the mouth prop. She immediately hugged us and started crying. "Shhh its alright kitten" Harry told her rubbing her back up and down. After 5 minutes she calmed down and we went home where I put a bunch of movies in and we all cuddled. "I love you guys but I dont like you in dentist modes" She whined. We all just laughed but hugged her in the end. 

AN: I am sorry for the less updates but I am super busy in school. I have a lot of homework and stuff but yea. I do try my best to update and I am on the verge to put this book on hold for a long time. Its getting too hard but I dont want to completely stop this book. Thanks for understanding and I will make a decission soon and see whats better :)xx.

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