Imagine for @Emmyhoran66

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Nialls POV

I went to wake up my sister and get her ready for the day. She is only 4 years old and is the cutest human being alive and I love her tooo much. She's really spoiled! I walk into her room and rub her back to wake her up. She rubs her eyes and tries to push my hands away. She squirms to try and get away from my hands to get back to her comfy bundle of blankets and stuffed toys. 

"noo Ni. Sleepy" She mumbles and tries to go back to sleep. 

"Not happening Emmy, up you go" I say and pick her up and hold her on my hip, taking her to the bathroom. She starts crying and grips my shirt tightly not liking the fact that I had woken her up from her sleep. 

"Shh bubba" I shush her and pulled her hair back but noticed her forehead was really warm. 

"Feeling icky Emmy?" I ask her. She hides her face in the crook of my neck and refuses to look at me. 

"Baby, we don't hide it when we feel icky okay?" I ask kissing her warm forehead and sitting her on the bathroom counter. 

"Okay" She whispers but cries again and makes her 'grabby hands' so I would pick her up. I just pick her up again and hold her close to me again. She cuddles to me and goes back to sleep as I slowly rub her back and sit in the rocking chair in her room so she stays asleep. 

After 20 minutes, Emmy wakes up again crying. 

"What's wrong hunny" I ask softly. 

"Icky" She whispers and lets go of more tears. I decided that I needed to examine her. Yes, I'm a doctor so I can do that. I grab my medical bag and get the equipment I need. I sit her down on my lap and take her temperature using the thermometer. Her temperature was 102 which was way too high for my liking! She starts having a coughing fit out of nowhere and it get's really bad. 

I grab her inhaler and put it to her mouth and instruct her when to breathe in and out. After she's okay, I grab my stethoscope to listen to her lungs

"Shh baby, it's okay. I got you" I say and rub her tummy to calm her down a little. 

I check her breathing and I don't like what I hear because I know she has pneumonia. I know her lungs needed to be drained at the hospital so I quickly pick her up to get her ready and take her there. 

"C'mon Emmy, lets go on a small trip" I softly say and go up to her room. She's already in pajamas and comfortable so I don't change her clothes but I pack 2 new pair of clothes, socks, her favorite blanket, and 2 of her stuffed toys. I lay her down on her bed and she immediately falls asleep so I quickly change my clothes in my room and go down to make her warm milk in her sippy cup, then go back up to her room and wrap her in her blanket and put her on my hip. 

"Lets go" I whisper and grab my keys and sit her in her car seat as I start the car. 

"Ni" She croaks out as she wakes up and wants to be held. 

"Baby I can't hold you right now. I'm sorry. We'll be there soon and I'll pick you up" I say reaching back to her and rubbing her hand. She whimpers but closes her eyes again. I pull my hands away and start my drive to the hospital. 

After we're in the ER, I ask the nurse to page my friend, Dr. Harry Styles since he is a pediatric doctor. 

"Hey mate. Is Emmy okay?" Harry asks giving me a hug. 

"No, her temperature was 102 when I checked and I think she has pneumonia so I brought her here" I fill him in on the information. 

"You did the right thing. Let me just check it is pneumonia and if it is, we will give her a breathing treatment since she s having trouble breathing and then we will give her medicine through her IV" Harry tells me. I nod and tell him to start.

"Let's get an I.V in this cutie" Harry says to the nurse as she grabs the equipment. As soon as Emmy sees the needle, she turns away and refuses to look at us while hiding both her arms from us. She lays on her stomach with her hands underneath so we couldn't get the IV in. 

"Bubba, you gotta let them. It won't hurt much. Just hold my hand and it will all be over soon" I tell her. 

"No Ni" She says and tears start rolling down her cheek. I quickly wipe them then flip her over so she's on her back and hold her hand in mine. 

"NOO! STOP IT!" She screams as she tries to turn back on her stomach. 

"Shh sweetie, you want Ni to hold you?" Harry asks her sweetly. She nods while crying and clings to me. 

"Ohh my sweetheart. It's alright. I know it's scary bubba" I tell her and pick her up so she was sitting my lap. Then I wrap my arms around her and hold her close to me.  I kiss her forehead and tell her it'll be okay. Her crying slows down and she shoves her forehead into my chest. 

Harry wipes the bend on her arm with a wipe and ties a torquenet on her upper arm. 

"Can you make a fist for me Emmy?" He asks her while rubbing her arm. 

"I guess" She whimpers and clenches her hand.

"Such a good girl" He praises her. After he finds a vein, he inserts the needle and Emmy lets go of a loud scream!

"Shhh, you're okay bubba" I tell her and bounce her lightly as Harry tapes down the I.V. After he's done, I pick her up and set her on my hip, I bounce her and walk around the room while she rests her head on my chest. 

"Shh no more crying" I whisper and rub her back soothingly. Her cries slow down and her eyes flutter close as she holds onto me. 

Soon she's asleep and Harry checks that she has pneumonia which she does so he gives her medicine through her I.V and then gets the breathing treatment. Emmy wakes up by having a coughing fit and reaches out to me. I lay down on the bed beside her as I hold her little hand. 

"Can you breathe through this tube for me?" Harry asks her nicely. 

"Yuh uh" She says and does as he asked. 

"You'll be okay soon" I say as she leans into me breathes contently. 

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