Imagine for byrdie 13 (Dentist)

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Prompt: Could you please do an imagine where the boys of 5sos all have to go to the dentist for a cleaning before tour and the boys of 1D are dentists so they do the cleaning. But Ashton is really terrified of the dentist so he tries to get out of going multiple times and then Calum comes in with Ashton when it's his turn and comforts Ashton through the whole appointment. And could you maybe put more detail into the cleaning instead of the trip down to getting the cleaning. Thank you so much.


Ashton's POV

I got a call from our manager and he told us that there was an emergency meeting about tour so we should all come in half an hour. I told all the other boys and we went to the meeting. Right now the meeting is about to start. Honestly, I am kind of nervous. What would they want to talk about? 

"Hi guys, thanks for coming" we all just nodded because we were too anxious to answer.

"Ok I'll cut right to the chase. We were looking through your medical records and we saw that all of you are due for dental checkups. Like last week you all went to your doctor's visit so you have to do the same because tour is about to start. However, 1D boys are dentist so they will be doing your checkup. We scheduled appointments in an hour for all of you. Today, Harry will be doing all of you exam with Louis as his assistant and Liam" management told us. I was too shocked to move. I am petrified of dentists they just scare me with all those pointy tools. I cant do this. We all said our good byes and walked towards the door. We all were seated in the car when I started crying. Michael was besides me so of course he heard me. 

"Whats wrong?" I asked him.

"I'm too scared of dentists. Can we lie about me going there?" I admitted.

"Ashton don't worry. You know the 1D boys and they won't hurt you. They can't hurt a fly, there are too nice to do that and we are only going there for a cleaning and there are just going to check if we have any cavities" Calum explained. I nodded and wiped away my tears. Honestly my back left tooth has been hurting me for a week now but I didn't want to tell anyone.

"Ok we're here, lets go and get this over with" Luke said. I nodded and we all went inside of the clinic and saw Harry, Louis, Liam in coats and other stuff while Zayn and Niall were dressed normally. Guess they are not doing the exam.

"Hi guys" Louis said.

"Hey" we all replied but they seemed to notice my tear stained face.

"Ok who wants to go first?" Harry asked

"Me" Luke volunteered. He came out 30 min later and said "No cavities woo hoo". The same happened with Michael and Calum and now it was my turn.

"Come on lets get this over with" Louis said coming outside. I nodded and followed him to the exam room where I sat down in the big chair located in the middle of the room.

"Are you ok? You look like you've been crying" Louis pointed out. 

"I am fine" I said trying to convince them.

"Dont lie Ash, just tell us the truth" Harry said.

"Ok fine I am really scared of dentists" I admitted.

"We wont hurt you I promise" Harry said and laid back the chair. Then he brought the toolso ver my mouth.

"Open please" he said

Harry's POV

Ashton looked really scared. Maybe something happened to him at the dentists when he was younger. Anyways, I knew that I had to be extra careful with him or he will get scared easily.

"Open please" I said. He complied and opened his mouth only a little

"Ash you know you have to open bigger than that" I said. He sighed and opened as wide as he could.

"Good job Ash" I said and started looking around. His teeth looked really healthy except I saw a cavity on his left molar towards the back.

"Does this hurt?" I asked him and tapped the tooth. He quickly shut his mouth and let out a whimper.

"Ash, you have a deep cavity so I am just going to have to pull the tooth but it shouldn't hurt you because I am going to numb up your mouth" I explained to him. At that time he was so scared he screamed "NOO" and ran for the door. Luckily Louis caught him.

"Shh shhh shh you are fine dont worry" Louis kept saying to Ashton who was screaming. Louis picked him up and laid him down in the chair again. I put a mask on his mouth and nose that would make him sleepy

Ashton's POV

Oh my god! why me! I tried to run away but Louis caught me and put me back in the chair. Harry placed a mask over my nose and mouth and from then I don't remember anything. 

I woke up and saw I was on the couch. There was cotton in my mouth but I could speak properly for some reason. 

"Guys what happened?" I asked them.

"Oh you freaked out and then they put you to sleep and pulled your tooth and then we brought you home" Luke explained. 

I just nodded and went to sleep again but with a sore mouth.

AN: Thank you so much for the reads. Keep voting and I am taking requests so send some. xx.

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