Imagine for @fanficreader08 (Doctor)

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Authors Note...

Hi.... so this is my imagine for fanficreader08. If you haven't read her books, you should start now. She is an amazing writer and very nice. Thanks for the prompt Jenny :)


Prompt: I'm at a concert and faint because of heat exhaustion from being in the crowd with so many people. The boys see this and bring me back to their dressing room and take care of me until I'm better

Jenny POV

I am at a One Direction concert screaming. Right now they are singing my favorite song, "Story of my life". I had been begging my parents to let me go to the concert but they know that I am claustrophobic and I faint easily from heat exhaustion but after my begging, they took the chance so here I am alone. Sadly none of my best friends like 1D so I am here all alone but I am enjoying so much. I feel really dizzy but I ignore it and try to enjoy the concert. A minute later I am met with darkness.

Harry POV

I was looking at the VIP section where I saw this girl almost fainting. She was looking really pale. Ok so me and the boys are doctors but nobody knows except the management. It's like a backup career for us and we think that the fans will freak out so we like to keep it a secret. I was still looking in that section and notices that the girl was on the ground. I looked back to the guys and saw they were all staring there too. I called Paul and told him to take the girl backstage so we could check her out.

Louis POV

As soon as the concert ended we rushed backstage and saw the girl still passed out so went to her side.

"Niall bring me a glass of water. Harry, cool cloth. Zayn, Liam please stop talking". I instructed the boys. They all just nodded and Harry and Niall went out to get the stuff I asked them to get. They quickly came back with it. I saw her starting to wake up.

"Whoa where am I and is One Direction really standing in front of me", she asked.

I heard the guys chuckle behind me.

"Yes it's us, can u tell us your name love?", I asked

"Jenny, but what are you guys doing and where am I?"

"Its alright don't freak out. We all saw you fainting and asked Paul to bring you backstage and weallaredoctorsforabackupcareer". I said the last part fast.

"I didn't get the last part, can you repeat it slowly?" she asked.

"Louis said, we all are doctors for a backup career", Liam replied.

"Oh" she said then started breathing heavily.

We all knew that Jenny was having a panic attack.

"It's ok Jenny, breathe with me", I said as I placed her hand on my chest so she could copy my breathing.

"shhhh look at Louis come on deep breaths with him", Niall said as I took exaggerated deep breaths.

Nobodys POV

Louis laid Jenny down on the couch that was back stage and told her to calm down.

"Jenny are you ok? why'd you have a painic attack", Zayn asked

"Um, well you see I am deathly afraid of doctor so hehe"

"It's alright, we won't hurt you, you know that. Just gonna make sure you're okay" Liam said

Liam POV

Jenny just nodded so I took out my stethoscope and put it on her chest and started to listen to her breathing while Harry was holding her hand to keep her calm and rubbing on the back of it.

"Jenny your breathing is hitching so I am just going to listen to your heart k?"

She just nodded again so I took it as a go ahead sign and asked her to take a few deep breaths. She complied and I heard some wheezing. I knew that she was coming down from a cold.

"Jenny, I think that you are coming down with a cold so I am just going to give you a regular exam as we have a medical bag here with us", I told her

We always kept a medical bag with us in case and I guess now it's finally come to a use.

As soon as I told Jenny that, she started crying.

"awww, it's alright Jen, you will be totally fine, I promise I wont do anything without your permission and if you are uncomfortable at any point just tell me ok?"

She just whimpered and said a tiny little "yes"

I started by just checking her stomach and her ears which was really smooth.

"I think you passed out from heat exhaustion babe, did that ever happen to you before?"

"Yea, thats why my mom wouldn't let me come to the concert but I am fine"

"Its alright Jenny, you can go to places like this k and just stay here for an hour and then I will take you home", I told her.

"Thank you" she said

hmmm. I turned back and saw that none of the boys were here. Well I guess they knew what I wanted. I was falling for Jenny and I knew it.

Nobodys POV

For the next hour, you and Liam talked and found out many common things. He even asked you out on a date and of course you said Yes. Also because he was your favorite. You guys exchanged numbers and of course after your first date, you guys were a couple. After 2 years he proposed to you and got married. Jenny realized that the concert and her fainting was the best thing that happened to her because it all led to her meeting Liam.

I really hope this doesnt sucks! but thanks for reading

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