Imagine for ErinLangham (Dentist)

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Prompt: Could I possibly have an imagine with Luke(5sos) as my dentist and Ash as my brother and then I fall in love with Luke somehow.



Erin POV

Ughh!! I am so sick of this. I keep getting reminders from the dentists office and I have to hide them from my brother. Yes I am 17 yet still afraid of the dentist. People always say look at the positive side of going to the dentist but there is nothing positive for goodness sake. Though, I woke up at 3 pm today and the mail comes at 1 pm so I hope my brother Ashton didn't get them. As I was about to get up from my bed Ashton came into my room. He is 2 years older then me so... 

"Erin get up we have to go to your dentist appointment" he told me.

"What? I just had one 2 months ago" I lied to him trying desperately to get out of going to the dentist.

"Dont lie to me, I just got a reminder and I made an appointment for you in an hour. I know you don't like going to the dentist but it's for the best so please compromise with me and lets go. Please dont throw a tantrum because you are not a kid lets go and this time I made sure you have a good dentist. His name is Dr. Hemmings". He said trying to convince me.

"No I am not going" I stated simply.

"I am serious if you dont get up and get dressed I will come up and drag you there" He said in a stern voice which kinda scared me.

"Ok. Now go I am have to change" I said and pushed him out of my room. First I cried for about 10 minutes then I got dressed. I went downstairs to see Ashton waiting. I followed him outside to the car and we drove to the dentists office. Oh goodness no this isn't happening. We went inside and Ashton signed me in.

After 5 minutes someone called my name. "Erin Irwin" I stood up and followed the dentist. He was so cute and I got lost in his eyes. 

"Ok just sit down in this chair and I will lay it back. Oh and by the way my name is Dr. Hemmings but you can call me Luke" I just nodded to lost in his eyes to speak. He started laying the chair back and thats when I realized what was happening and I tried to get up. He pushed my shoulders down so I was laying down.

"Its alright I am not going to hurt you. Tell me if you need a break" he said. I just nodded and then he turned on the light which blinded me. Yeesh my eyes hurt. Usually I close my my eyes during this but the sight was too good.

"Open up please" Luke said and I hesitantly open up just a tiny bit. He put one of his tools down and opened my mouth wider by pushing on my chin. He then grabbed both of his tools again and started checking my teeth. 

"Well, your teeth are in great shape considering you haven't been to a dentist in 2 years" he said and then took h is tools out while I just nodded looking at his eyes. Suddenly Ashton came in and I moved my head while Luke was brushing my teeth. 

"Erin, you cant move your head you could've hurt yourself" Luke said.

"Sorry but Ashton what are you doing here?" I asked my brother.

"ASHTON!!" Luke screamed and I looked at him weird.

"OH my god Luke is that you?" Ashton asked and Luke nodded happily.

"Uh whats going on?" I asked.

"We used to know each other in pre school?" Ashton said more like asked because he seemed unsyre.

"You havent told her yet have you?" Luke asked my brother and Ashton nodded.

"Well your brother is a dentist too he just didn't want to freak you out" Luke said.

"ok" I said.

"So you are not mad?" Ashton asked  and I shook my head 'no'

"Well you have a cool sister when I told mine she freaked out on me and didn't talk to me for a whole week" Luke said on which I just laughed.

"can we get this over with?" I asked and they nodded. Luke cleaned my teeth and said I had no cavities.

"Open up" Luke said again and I did so.

"Ok you are all good and your teeth are really straight how?" he asked.

I laughed and answered. "Well Ashton is always on my back telling me to brush my teeth and floss them everyday but I dont floss everyday" I admitted.


"OK" I said and raised my hands in defense and surrender. He just nodded and then Luke gave me his number.

"Do you want to go out sometime?" he asked and I nodded too happy to answer. He pecked my lips and said "mmm minty" and I laughed. In a month we went on about 7 dates and were officially a couple. I really do love him. Of course we had some problems because Luke knew my over protective brother Ash, but it all worked out.


I had to go to my dentist appointments regularly because well my brother and my boyfriend were dentists and when I didn't cooperate they just held me down. That was the only major problem but after a while I started liking my dentist because well my boyfriend was my dentist. 

AN: Hi! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE READS AND VOTES. Keep requesting. I am trying to keep up with all of them but I enjoy writing them so lol. xx.

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