Imagine for Byrdie13 Part 2 (Dentist)

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AN: Hi, this imagine is a part 2 for byrdie13's imagine 1. This idea was from Prettyanpink.

Prompt:  Harry has a tooth ache but won't tell the boys because he's scared and then they find out and trick him into going into the medical bus. Then they need all the boys because Harry flips.


Louis POV

Today Harry came down whimpering and making grabby hands at me. This is weird but cute hehe. 

"Shh whats wrong Haz" I asked him as I sat with him on the couch

"Um nothin" he said and went to the bathroom

Harry's POV

When I actually woke up today my tooth was hurting so bad. Since we all know that Zayn is a dentist, I tried to avoid him since the rest of the boys will force me to go to the medical bus so Zayn can fix my tooth. It's hurting like crazy but thats the only reason why I'm staying in my room so no one figures anything out. I am up in my room and I heard a knock at the door.

"Haz can you open up?" Zayn asked.

"uh-- sure" I said and opened the door.

Zayn came in and sat with me on my bed and faced me towards him. I just gave him a questioning look. From the corner of my eyes I saw that he had 2 water bottle, it looked like they had cold water in them.

"Here you need water, you've been very dehydrated" Zayn said. I drank the cold water trying not to scream out in pain after the cold substance hit my mouth.

"Ok well I should get going" he said and exited the room. Finally hes gone because my tooth is hurting bad. I got a text saying 'meet us in the medical bus. Louis wont compromise and he has to get a check up from Zayn help please' the text read from Liam. I got my phone and made my way to the medical bus in the dentist section where Louis was on the dentist chair.

"Oh hey Haz" Louis said. I made a weird face because I thought that Louis was suppose to be held down. Louis sat up from the chair and pushed me in there.+

"what are you doing?" I asked them. Zayn laid the chair back and put a bib on me. OH NO! They were giving ME a check up not Louis.

"No no no no no!!! LEMME GO" I screamed at them. Liam held my hands and louis sat beside me while Niall held my legs. 

"Shh Haz calm down I know that your tooth has been hurting for a bit though so I am just going to take a look" Zayn said. I shook my head and tried to get up but all the boys held me. Zayn wore his mask and brought his tools over my mouth.

"Ok Haz open wide please" Zayn asked but I shook my head.

"C'mon Haz not again" Louis whined and pinched my nose shut. I had to open my mouth and then I decided to keep it open. He ran all his tools in my mouth and checked every tooth.

"Well Mr. Styles you have a small cavity that I'm just going to fill and you are not flossing. When was the last time you flossed?" Zayn asked as he took the tools out my mouth.

"Uh a week ago" I admitted.

"Well Harry I am going to floss for you right now and you are going to floss in front of me everyday" he said and I nodded. He took the mouth prop out and inserted that. He numbed me then took the drill out and drilled out the cavity then filled it with composite. I decided not to throw a tantrum and let Zayn do his work.

"All done Harry" he said and I jumped out onlny to be pushed backed by Liam.

"You have to get your teeth flossed right now from Zayn. Sit down" Liam said.

"Zayn ...." I whined. He just took out a strand of floss and started flossing for me. After I was done I was still in the chair pouting.

"We're sorry Haz we knew that you were in pain and I was the only one who has to fix your tooth" Zayn said and hugged me. I made grabby hands at Louis and he picked me up and carried me to our tour bus and laid me on my bed where I slept and cuddled with all my mates.

AN: HELLO!!! thanks for all the reads. xx. 

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