Imagine for swimchicc

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Katelyn's POV

"Lets go!" my mum yelled. I ran down the stairs to her so we could go to the mall but I tripped and twisted my ankle. "Oww! MUM!" I cried. She came running to me and saw what happened. "Aww. Sweets! Let me call the doctor" She said. "No.. please dont! I promise to do all my chores" I pleaded. "Honey you are 18. Dont be so scared. Plus your doctor is really nice" She said. I sighed and she went into another room calling the clinic. "Uhh Sweets, their clinic is closed and they told me to take you to the ER" She said. I was in too much pain to fight them off so I nodded and my mom picked me up and carried me to the car. We arrived at the hospital and we entered it. There were so many sick people and stuff. My mom took me to the receptionist. "Hi, my daughter twisted her ankle and its all bruised and blue and purple" My mom explained. The receptionist gasped and immediately sent me to a doctor. The thing was there wasn't a doctor, there were 4 doctors. My mom was in the waiting room with me and the nurse took me to the doctors and sat me on the bed. "Hiya kiddo, my name is Louis" The doctor with blue eyes introduced. "I'm Harry, thats Liam and this is Niall" He said pointing to the people. I introduced myself and then they told me to sit on the bed. They took my vitals and then told me something that I was scared of. "Love, we just have to feel your ankle and touch around it" Liam told me. "No!" I screamed snapping out of my shyness phase. "Princess, you can hold my hand and it'll be over before you know it" Niall said. I laid down and Liam started feeling my ankle. I squeezed Nialls hand and he smiled. "Did that hurt?" He asked me and I nodded. Liam stopped feeling my ankle and told me something that I was dreading the whole time I was here. "You need surgery on your ankle. Jake and Logan will perform it" Harry announced. "No please! I am too scared of needles and someone cutting inside me freaks me out" I screamed. "Shhh Jake and Logan are professionals at this so don't worry" He said. I nodded and the wheeled me down to the surgical department.

Logan POV

Me and my partner got a call saying that we have another surgery to perform on an 18 year old female. I saw Louis roll her in the surgery room where I put a mask on her face. She was already in a gown and we had to put her to sleep. "Count down from 10" I instructed softly. She only reached 5 and was out. Me and Jake quickly performed the surgery in under an hour. We took her back to her doctors.

Louis POV

"Hi love, you feeling better?" I asked. Katelyn just started waking up from her surgery and we all surrounded her. She just hummed as in yes and closed her eyes and went to sleep. She had to stay in the hospital for 3 days and she was all better except she needed to get physical therapy.

AN: Hi guys, sorry if there are any errors or something but I didnt read over it so.... anyways, I hope you enjoyed this imagine. xxx.

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