Imagine for @blueeyessss

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Harry's POV

I woke up feeling terrible and I just know I'm sick. Whatever. I mean I can deal with it right? I walk over to the bathroom and do my usual morning routine and go to the kitchen to eat.

"Hi love" My boyfriend, Louis says and scares the living lights out of me!

"Louis! Jeez. I didn't know you were in the kitchen" I walk over to the cabinets and was going to pull out a granola bar when Louis steps in

"Oh no need for that love. I made a full breakfast" He smiles brightly at me and puts a plate with eggs, bacon, and pancakes on it. He's so sweet

"Thanks babe. eat with me?" I ask and he nods. I take a bit of my bacon and I was swallowing it but it started hurting my throat. I grimaced but swallowed it because I didn't want Louis to find out. 

"Its really good babe" I compliment his food and peck his lips.

"eat more" He says and I try but I just can't.

"I can't" I whisper.

"Why not?" he asks. As soon as he asks that, tears start slipping down my cheeks and my lip wobbles

Louis POV

Seeing Harry so vulnerable is so hard for me. I didn't know what to do for my boyfriend, he wouldn't even tell me what was wrong.

"Babe? Hey love, it's okay. Just tell me where it hurts and even though I'm a doctor, it doesnt mean I am going to hurt you" I rub his back and wipe his tears away. He starts crying harder and gets off his chair and just hugs me. 

"Okay enough of that" I whisper and take him to the couches in the living room. I know he doesn't like doctors and hides when he's sick but I'm his boyfriend for god sakes, I am not going to hurt him!

"Babe you gotta tell me whats wrong" I whisper and rub his back as I cuddle him. 

"throat" He says and gets off the couch going somewhere

"Hey, where are you going love?" I question

"you are not checking my throat. No" he says and goes off to our room. I follow him up the stairs and into out bedroom where he's laying down on the bed. 

"What if I promise you, it's not going to hurt at all?" I ask trying to come up with ways to convince him to let me check his throat

"No" he says bluntly

"How about if I give you as many breaks as you want and you can even have cuddles during them?" I ask. He gently nods and looks up at me with teary eyes.

"It'll be okay my love. Let me just get some stuff" I say and go to the closet to grab some of the medical equipment. 

"Can you open your mouth for me and say 'aah'? I ask softly knowing he's scared right now.

"yea but only for like 5 seconds" He whispers and opens his mouth. I flash the light in his throat and see that it's red. He closes his mouth after 5 seconds and whispers "done"

"I'm just going to feel your throat babe" I tell him and grab his chin gently to lift it up. Then I put my 2 hands on the side of his neck and slowly push on his glands to see if they are swollen and if it hurts him

"Oww. stop" Harry croaks out and pushes my hands away

"Its okay babe. all done. you just have a sore throat" I say and get  bed to cuddle him. 

"We'll get you lots of water and I'll make soup" I say softly while playing with his hair. I get up to get him the food but see him asleep. I cuddle him even more and go to sleep with my boyfriend.

"I love you" I whisper

"mhm love you too" Harry mumbles and I smile looking down at him

Hi guys! So I asked for requests and I got like 13 of them :) Thank you so much for sending them to me. I will try and update as fast as I can but today is fourth of July and I'm only free for a couple of hours so I'll try and write as many as I can in one day. I will try and post 1 or 2 imagines each day. Thank you guys so much!

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