Imagine for areesha111

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Louis POV

I was in the kitchen making breakfast for me and my girl friend. We live together since we have enough money to buy an apartment because I am a doctor. I usually dont make breakfast or just make cereal but the thing is Claire needs a check up and I know she wont agree with letting me done on her so I have to be on her good side and I also called Liam in. The appointment is in half an hour and the clinic is 5 minutes away so we're good. I go up to our room and enter without knocking because we share a room. I see her in bed hugging a pillow and all cuddled up in her blankets. "Claire, babe, wakey wakey. I made breakfast" I said shaking her. She kept her eyes closed and I knew she was awake so I smirked and pullled the blankets off of her and got on top of her. I started to kiss her and touch her and that woke her up immediately. "Babe" She whined pushing me off. "C'mon breakfast is ready" I told her. She nodded and got up following me out side of the room and into the kitchen. "Voila" I said. She laughed and just sat down eating her pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream on them. "Yum! Good job Lou. Now what do you want?" She asked. "Well, nothing. I just want to go out with you today and have fun" I told her. Now that was a partial lie but it was partial so I guess thats why it didn't make me feel that guilty. "Get dressed. I have a surprise for you" I told her smiling. She laughed and nodded drinking her orange juice and then went up to her room to change. 

Claire's  POV

Louis acting a bit strange today but the day is off to a good start so why ruin it. First, I went to the bathroom to do my routine. Then I went up to my room and changed into a white short dress since it was summer and it was boiling out side. I walked down stairs to see Louis with the car keys and ready to go as he was dressed too. 

Louis POV

Trust me, I feel so bad for tricking my baby into this. Yes, my baby. I love Claire with all my heart but I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't necessary. She came towards me with a white short dress on. Not too short but a bit above her knees. "Lets roll babe" I say. She nods and we get into the car after locking the house up. I drive to the clinic and see that we are exactly on time. When I parked the car I saw Claire just staring at me like I am crazy for bringing her here. "Lets go. I just need to talk to Liam" I told her but she knew I was lying and she knew that she was here for a check up because every time I brought up the her check up she would change the subject. "No! I am not going in there!!" She said scared and nearly crying. "Come on baby. I wont hurt you and you know that. Lets get it over with and I promise a lot of cuddles today" I told her nicely. She shook her head and stayed seated not moving from the car so I had no choice  but to get out from my side then go to hers and open her door. I picked her up bridal style and carried her into the clinic with her squirming but I was stronger so I didn't let her go. "Calm down baby. Please" I said kissing her hand and putting her on the bed. I called Liam in and we greeted each other except Claire who was super scared by now. 

"Its alright Claire, you just have to relax" Liam said. She nodded and took deep breaths. "Good girl babe" I praised her pecking her lips. "Will you let me listen to your heart while Liam takes your vitals?" I asked her softly. "Yea" She said looking down. I nodded to Liam and he got the tray with the otoscope, tongue depresser, the blood pressure cuff and the thermometer and of course her chart. "I'm just gonna put this under your dress" I told her. She smiled and I took that as a yes and started listening to her heart while Liam checked her blood pressure and temperature which were normal and also checked her pulse. "Deep breaths" I told her moving to her back. She took 4 deep breaths while I listened carefully. "Everything sounds good. Now, Liam is just going to check your eyes, ear and mouth" I told her again. She nodded and looked towards me reaching for me. I sat beside her and held her hand squeezing it once in a while to let her know that every things fine. "Look ahead for me babe" Liam said. She did so and Liam checked her eyes. "Open up" He told her and she did wide enough for Li to check her throat. "I'm just gonna check your ears and then Louis will check your stomach and you're all done" Li said. "Thank goodness" She whispered. "I heard that but I still love you" I told her. She laughed and let Li check her ears. I moved from the bed and pushed her shoulders down so she was laying. I pulled her dress up and started pushing on her stomach. "hmm soft and well soft. Everything is great. See there was nothing to worry about" I said pulling her dress down and getting her to stand up. "thanks for the help Li" I said. "No problem" He called walking out of the room. I picked Claire up bridal style and took her to the car. We went on a nice drive and then had a romantic dinner and well cuddles! I love her with all my heart.

AN: Hi guys. I'm all out of requests except one so please send them in because if I dont have any prompts then no imagines :( Thats all. Thank you so much for the 61k reads!!!! I love you guys soo much for that. Also, a very Happy Birthday to Niall!!!! Thanks guys. xxx.

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