Imagine for @brittany36911 (Doctor)

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Prompt: Can you do one where there is a 10 year old girl who plays tag and trips over a hole and gets scrapes and cuts but also breaks her leg.


Zayn POV

"Be careful Brittany" I said

Brittany is my 10 year old sister and lets just say that calling her clumsy and a goof ball would be an understatement. She's always jumping around and falling and right now she was playing tag outside with Louis and Harry. Me, Liam and Niall were talking about the end of the tour. Yes we just finished our 3rd world wide tour. Me and the boys also own a clinic down the street. 

"Aaaahhhhh, NO LOUIS DON'T TOUCH IT!!" I heard.

Oh no! she fell down again didnt she. She is so clumsy!! Anyways, I went outside to find her on the ground and Louis prodding around her cut.

"What happened Britt" I asked

"I was playing tag with Louis and Harry and then I tripped over a hole"

"Awww babe let me see"

"No, leave me alone"

With that I carried her inside the house to lay her down on the couch. As soon and I lay her down she starts screaming.

"Ok Brits, you need to tell me where it hurts"


"Baby you gotta tell me WHERE it hurts so I can help you please", I said

"My left leg and my left arm"

I lifted up her sleeve to see many cuts and scrapes and then I pushed on her pant leg to reveal the leg in a weird angle and I knew it was broken. There were also many scrapes and cuts on the leg and the arm.

"Guys, we gotta take her to the clinic"

"No can you just please do it here", she pleaded

"sorry" I said and picked her up bridal style and took her to the car while she was screaming and hitting my chest trying to break free.

"shhhh, calm down" Louis told her.


I put her in the car and laid her across the guys laps. Her head was in Louis and he was stroking her hair, her body was in Liams, and her legs on my lap. Niall was in the front while Harry was driving. As soon as we reached the clinic which was about 5 min I took her out and carried her inside the clinic into an exam room. By this point she was sobbing. 

"Ok Liam prepare the x-ray machine and Niall get me some gauze" I instructed

"The x-ray machine was already prepared so let's go" Liam said

"kay thanks" I said

Then again I carried her to the x-ray room.

"OK Brittany I am just going to go outside for 10 sec to take the x-rays." I said

"can Louis stay?"

"No sorry"

She silently cried during the x-rays and then I took her back to the exam room. 

"Ok baby Louis is just going to take a look at your cuts and then clean them"

She started crying even more

Louis POV

As soon as Zayn told her what I was going to do she started crying harder.

"Shhh, I am not going to do anything without your permission, I promise"

That stopped her from crying and now she was only whimpering. I started looking at this big cut in her left arm, definitely going to need stitches, I said to my self. I got some gauze and then started.

"Ok Brittany I am just going to clean this cut right now k?"

"OK" she said. And I started. Half way through it she was moving her arm and not cooperating so I knew what we all had to do . I gave Harry a nod and he kept her arm still while I cleaned it.

"Ok baby, this cut is a little deeper than I thought so it's going to need stitches. I am just going to numb your arm and then start", I told her as calmly as I possibly could.


Harry quickly got me the numbing needle and I inserted it without warning because she was already distracted. But that made her scream even more. 

"AAAH, get it out, it's hurting me!"

I quickly got that done and started singing What Makes you Beautiful. She started to calm down after that and thankfully without any fuss, I stitched up her arm and cleaned the rest of her cuts and scrapes with the gauze and some other things. 

"Ok, Brittany you broke your leg so we are just going to put a cast on it" Zayn said as he entered the room.

I guess she was just really tired because she let us put the cast on without any fuss. She got a purple one.

"Ok, Brittany you will be on crutches and you can't play soccer or any other sports for about a month"

She nodded and went to sleep. We all knew that when she would wake up, she would be really cranky so we got prepared. We all went back home and rested till she woke up and the drama began. But what can I say. She is a really fun kid.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for the reads and I hope you enjoyed this one too. xxxxx

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