Imagine for Minions222

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Paige's POV

"I'll be back at 3 mom!!" I scream and grab my skate board and put on my shoes. "Ok!" She replies. Skate boarding makes me feel free and independent. I am 13 and an only child. I do have fights with my parents but I love them. We are going on a trip to Australia so I have to get back at home by 3 so my mom doesn't get mad. I take my skate board and head outside and start to skate board. I lose track of time and take out my phone to see it's 3:30 pm Uh-oh. Luckily, I was near my house so I grab my skate board and sprint to my house. I enter and see both of my parents in front of with crossed arms. They both just sigh and tell me to help them take our bags to the car. I do so and I am so happy that they let me off the hook. We all sit in the car and my dad starts to drive. I was blasting music in my ears and didn't notice a lot happen but there was a crash sound and our car flew. I dont remember anything else after that because I was feeling dizzy. There was blood pouring out my body and my parents too. I hear someone call 911 and in under 2 minutes there were fire fighters cutting through the cars roof and getting me and my parents out. "STOP!" I scream at them. I'm so scared and I can;t stop crying and I just cant control myself. The fire fighters continue to cut the roof and soon they have me out. I see 2 people run up to me.

Ashton's POV

We were at the site of where a 13 year old and her parents were in a car accident. The girl was screaming and was super scared so I decided to take control of the situation. "Hi, whats your name? My name is Ashton and Calum is checking out your parents. We are your paramedics" I told her. "Paige" She whimpered. Calum came back with sadness in his eyes and I knew what that meant but we had to focus on Paige right now. "Ok we are going to put you on this back board but dont move because we dont know if you have a spine injury" I told her calmly. Me and Cal pulled her out and put her on a straight board strapping her to it. "No! Let me out!! Jerks!!! I know my parents are dead!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!" She screams but starts sobbing by the end. "shhh Paige. You're alright. You have to calm down so we can treat you" I said stroking her cheek. She seemed to calm down by that and closed her eyes. I realized that she would pass out and she did. "Get her into the ambulance! SHE NEEDS FLUIDS AND SHE PASSED OUT!!" I screamed. Some other people in the ambulance help me load her up and take her parents in a different ambulance. She was blacked out when I inserted the I.V into her hand and gave her some fluids. After 5 minutes, she started to wake up and looked scared again. "Don't worry, we're just going to the hospital to treat you" Cal said. "No!! NO HOSPITAL!!" She yells in his face. He sighs and looks at me. I nod and he gets the oxygen mask to put on her nose and mouth. If she keeps crying like that then she'll pass out. He puts it over her face and she screams again but it's all muffled. "You are fine. This'll help you breathe better and we'll reach there in no time" I told her stroking her cheek and she closed her eyes calming down. "deep breaths!" I instructed. She started taking deep breaths and calmed down. "Good girl!!" I praised. We reached the hospital and took her in the E.R and left her in hands of the doctors. "I'm sorry but we have to go" Cal told her. She nodded and we went to get to the next site where there was a fire apparently.

Luke's POV

Ash and Cal left us with the girl who was super scared. "Hi Paige, my names Luke and this is Michaels and we are your doctors. We are going to do a basic exam on you to see whats wrong and how much you're injured" I told her. She nodded but couldn't move too much because of the neck brace. I decided to take it off and also the restraints. "I'm just going to shine this in your eyes" I told her and shined the light in her eyes to see if there was any head or spine injury. I didn't find any problems but I wasn't sure about the spine. "Does your spine hurt?" Mikey asked her as he took her vitals. "Yea. It feels like its breaking" We immediately knew what them meant and we were right. We did some exams and found out that she broke her spine. "Sorry babe but you broke your spine" Mikey told her gently. "WHAT!? I CANT WALK OR SIT?!!" She freaked out. "Not really" We told her hesitantly. "No way!" She sobs and cant stop. "Shhh' you can sit in a wheel chair and we'll help you" I explained to her. She nods and calms down a bit. "My parents are dead" She states. "We'll figure that out. Dont worry" Mikey tells her and wipes away her tears. She sleeps for a bit and we keep her in the hospital for 2 weeks.

AN: Ok what do I get. A grammy, some kind of award. In case you guys didn't know. THIS IS MY 100TH IMAGINE!! it's amazing how far this book has gone and all the credit goes to you guys and also to fanficreader08 who helped me with my imagines some times and gave me ideas. I am astonished to say the least, and just thank you so much. My first imagine has also reached upto 2k. The best part is I started this book a little bit over a month ago. Thank you to all of my readers. All the love. Xxx.

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