Imagine for demi275 (Doctor)

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Prompt: Can you do one where the 5sos guys are doctors and I get really scared but my Mom has to take me to a checkup and I'm 8. Or just surprise me with something 5sos doctor related. 


Demi's POV

I was begging my mom the whole day to take me to the park and she finally agreed so we were in the park right now. I was on the swings while my mom was watching me.

"Come on Demi it's nearly time to go" My mom said.

"Coming mom" I replied. I jumped off the swing and ran to my mom. I love my mom you see my dad dies when I was 5 and I am an only child. Both of my grandparents died too so I only have my mom. We were walking on the side walk which was close to the road when a car hit me and my mom. I started crying because my mom and I were bleeding really bad. I heard someone say "Call 999" . Thats all I remember then I blacked out.

Michaels POV

I am a paramedic but thankfully today there were no emergencies until we got the emergency call. I quickly grabbed my partner Ashton and we went to the location. We reached there and I saw two people blacked out so I knew they were the case. I could tell the mom was dead by blood loss but the child was in a critical condition. I picked the child up and out her in the ambulance while Ashton did the same but with the mother and in the other ambulance. I quickly put the oxygen mask on the little girl and thats when she started to wake up.

"Where am I?! LET ME GO" she screamed. She was having a panic attack.

"shh shh princess we are in the ambulance and you need to go to sleep until we reach the hospital " I told her as calmly as I could but she started thrashing around trying to get the oxygen mask off of her face. Thats when I called for help and Ashton came in. He pinned her hands down and held the mask on her face while she was crying. I quickly put the medicine for sleepiness in the mask too and in matter of minutes she was asleep. We reached the hospital and thats when I asked Ashton.

"Is her mom ok?" and he shook his head. I felt so bad for this little girl. She was already so scared. I quickly rushed her to the hospital where my other two best mates where Luke and Calum. We all went to college together so we know each other and live together in 1 house.

"Guys an 8 year old unconscious female" I told them. We quickly transferred her to a proper emergency bed. And she woke up again and started to panic. We all held her down and Luke was cleaning her cuts with the disinfectant.

"AAH THAT HURTS" she screamed and was shaking her head wildly.

"shh almost done baby" I said. For some reason she was relaxing to all of us. She looked towards me with tears in her eyes. I quickly wiped them away. I was holding her hands while Ashton was holding her legs and Luke was cleaning her cuts and Michael was stitching a deep cut for her on her head.

"Ok I am done" Luke and Calum announced at the same time. We all laughed.

"Ok sweets whats your name?" Luke asked her.

"Demi" she said. "where is my mommy" she asked.

"Well you see, she didn't do we-" I was cut off by her saying. "She's dead isnt she" and we all nodded . She started crying hysterically. She was kicking again so we had to hold her legs so she wouldn't hurt herself.

"Shh babe" Calum said but she said "She was the only family I had".

"Could you excuse us for a second" I asked her and she nodded as she was calmer now. We all went outside

"Lets adopt her" we all blurted out at once. We laughed and Ashton said Michael you should be the dad and I have her papers right her. I quickly signed them and now I am her dad. We all went in the room again.

"Hey Demi, would it be okay if we adopt you?" I asked her.

"Well you all seem nice so ok" yay she agreed. We all jumped around except her.

"Guys I want to get out of this bed please" she whined.

"Sorry Demi but you have to get rest and we need to give you a pain reliever" Luke said.

"Huh?" she said. Then suddenly I held her arms and Ashton inserted the needle.

"AAAH WHAT WHY??" she asked

"Sorry babe" we said. she hugged us and said. 

"I am not scared of needles a lot. You could've told me" she said and pouted. We all awed at her and just looked at her. She was now Demi Clifford.

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