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Alyssa's POV

So I have this chapter 2 test 3 days from now. Today is Friday and its on Monday so yea. The thing is that this chapter isn't easy, even the smartest of the smartest people in my school dont understand it and I dont feel very smart, so I'm gonna fail it. Its a hard concept to understand. Basically there are 9 sections. 

The 9th and last section is mixture problems which I hate because I dont get it. This is honestly the first time I've ever been so frustrated myself because I dont understand anything. I'm just so panicky right now!

Right now I'm in study hall and I have math next period. My math teacher Mr.Tomlinson like I described before is actually nice but people think of him as very strict. There are only like 2 minutes left of study hall

The bell just rang and I'm going to my locker. Like I said before, my locker is right in front of Mr. Tomlinson's room so that kinda sucks at time when I hate him because of the homework. Its just every girls dream for their teacher to ask them how they are doing all the time *rolls eyes* but I'm also thankful for that. Ok! Im just very moody so I change my mind a lot!

I'm just sitting in my seat which is by the way in the front. Thanks Mr Tomlinson, you're the nicest person alive. *lies*....

"Class,today we will review for the chapter 2 test by playing Jeopardy. Take out your Ipads and we'll start from the front. Here are the groups..... Jill and Alyssa"......

 Yea I tuned him out after that until...


"Yes?" I say.

"Choose a number"

"ok that one, 5 on the right side" I tell him. He nods and clicks on that button.

"Oh an absolute value. We haven't done that in a while.. good luck" Mr Tomlinson says and gives us 3 minutes to do the problem. Basically if a lot of people get it wrong or if anyone is confused he goes over the problem.

Honestly, I participate a lot in his class. I did the problem and waited for everyone else to be done. 

"Ok times up! This is the answer. Remember you were suppose to split it into 2 branches" He said. I sigh and look at my work. I totally forgot to split it!!!!!

God its annoying!

anyways, another student picks another problem and I get really lucky *sarcasm* because its a mixture problem!!!!!!

I try it and of course I dont get it. I wait until the answer key and yea i got it wrong. duh.

Another student picks a problem and the same happens, I get it wrong! Cuz I forgot all the damn stuff we learned before 2.9 because we focused so much on that!

Now I'm just sitting in my seat and acting like I'm doing work but the truth is I'm doodling. I've never felt like this, so frustrated and angry with myself.... It was another mixture problem and I wasnt even gonna try so I just started doodling and mumbled "I give up".

Unfortunately Mr. Tomlinson was right behind me and turned to me. 

"Come on at least try" He says. I just shake my head. I've never ignored a teacher but I just didnt want to do it because I was frustrated with myself. He just didn't get it. 

"At least copy the table down" He says. I nod and I do that and go back to doodling. My partner Jill is very nice and very smart but also popular but the nice popular

"Cmon do some work" She chuckles and makes a whiny face. I just laugh along with her because of the way she was trying to convince me. 

There were like 10 minutes left of class and I just sat back and copied the equation or problem but didn't solve it.  

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