Imagine for @V

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Cindys POV

So today is the day I have to into my brother's dental office for an annual cleaning. It doesn't really bother me, I know my teeth are completely fine because I have an annoying brother on my ass telling me what to do with my teeth. I love him so I'm used to it. Anyways, right now I was in the waiting room of his office. 

"Cindy. Come on in" I hear my brothers voice as he comes out from the exam room and motions me to follow him. I follow him and sit in the chair ready for this to be over with. 

"Hey Cindy, how are you?" Harry and Louis, the dental assistants ask. 

"I'm good, ready to get this over with" They chuckle and I lay back in the chair.

"Wow, you're only 12 and are willingly ready to lay back in the chair" Louis laughs along with Harry because usually patients this young are not very cooperative. 

"Well, try living with him" I say pointing to Niall who turns around when he hears his name. 

"Love you too Cindy" He says putting on his gloves and mask as Harry brings down the light and aims it towards my mouth. As I see Niall grab his tools, I open my mouth wide enough for him to check my teeth and do the cleaning. He starts tapping my teeth and pokes around until I wince.

"Ow" I say and Niall quickly takes his tools out of my mouth. 

"That hurt" I complain. Harry, Louis, and Niall give me concerned glances because I have never had a cavity before in my life. Eeekkkk!

"Um I don't think I want to do this" I say getting out of the chair but I suddenly feel Harry's hands on my shoulders pushing me to lay down. 

"We will just clean your teeth for now, and deal with the cavity later okay sweetie?" Louis says comfortingly and rubs my knee. I nod and open my mouth so Niall can do his thing. He looks more at the cavity, then starts the cleaning. I relax into the chair as he cleans my teeth and then flosses them. 

"Okay Cindy, I will quickly fix the cavity, it's just a surface cavity so don't freak out" Niall says looking in my eyes. I nod and push my fear of needles aside, I don't want to cause a fuss. Harry and Louis see how scared I am tho and hold each of my hands to comfort me. 

"Open up" Niall says and I comply. He rubs something around my gum and then injects a needle which actually doesn't hurt much. 

"Okay I'm just going to use the drill for a few mins and drill the cavity out and then fill it and seal it" Niall says. I nod lightly and squeeze Harry and Louis hands. They look at me sympathetically and I just close my eyes, not believing this was happening to me. I hear the drill and try to block the noise out. Soon my cavity is filled and I am getting off the chair but somebody stops me again!

"What?" I mutter confused. 

"you need braces and we're going to do them now" Niall says. 


I run away to I don't know where. I'm still somewhere in the office but I'm hiding in a different room and I hear their voices and footsteps come near me. 

"We can see your feet poking out" Harry says and pulls me up. 

"I don't wanna" I say and look down, tears slipping from my eyes. 

"Sweetie it will be okay, and you'll have an even prettier smile by the time your braces are off. And by the look of your x-rays, you'll only need them for a year and a half so it's not a big deal okay?" Louis comforts me. 

"Okay" I whisper as they take me back to the exam room. I lay down in the chair and open my mouth only to have a mouth prop inserted inside my mouth. 

The procedure was long and long and long but I got through it. 

"All done" Niall says kissing my forehead after taking off his mask and finally lets me get off that chair!

AN: I'm so sorry for making you guys wait for so long! SO SORRY!

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