Imagine for SamiyahKhan

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Samiyah's POV

God dammit! My stomach hurts so much but I dont want to tell anyone. I just want to sleep it off but I dont think its possible, not when your brother is a pediatrician and is breathing down your neck to check if you're okay. Anyway my brother Harry is a doctor along with his friends. I seriously think of them all as brothers but they are so annoying!!!!

"Samiyah! I'm home!" Harry yelled from the kitchen. I sigh and get up from my very comfy bed and go to the kitchen only to be met with his friends. 

"Hey guys. What are you doing here?" I ask them. 

"Just here to annoy like everyday" Louis says and smirks and picks me up. 

"HEY!!!! PUT ME DOWN" I yell and laugh at the same while messing his hair

"NOT THE HAIRRRRR" He yells and snorts. God hes such a dork. 

"Ow" I mutter quietly as my stomach hurts. 

"Hey, whats wrong" Harrys asks suddenly going into the over protective brother mode and the friends going in doctor mode. 

"Um nothing. I'm fine. So you guys want to play a game?" I ask trying to act casual. 

"Uh yea sure. Its called..... Lets take Samiyah to the doctor because shes hiding something" Liam screams with sarcasm in his voice and gives me a look that says "i know what you're doing".

"No way. Do you not trust me?" I say

"Well not in this category, we dont. Now we are older than you so go up those stairs and change and we're going to go" Niall says. 

"Yea right" I say and run to the bathroom.  I hear foot steps behind me so I run faster but I start to get dizzy. 

Harry's POV

I ran after Samiyah but she slowed down and started to sway. I immediately caught her as she passed out in my arms. 

"Hey baby, wake up. Guys, start up the car, I'll bring her out and we'll go to the clinic" I say. They nod and go out. I carry her to the car and lay her down in our laps. I feel her pulse and its pretty fast. I kiss her forehead but shes burning off! God, she always hides when shes sick. 


"ugh where am I?" I Hear Samiyah waking up and her voice is so groggy. 

"Hey baby, we are just checking you. You're in our clinic" I tell her softly knowing shes going to freak out just about now..

"What!? No get me out!" she says. I sit on the bed with her and take her into my lap. Liam is a general surgeon, Harry is a cardiologist, Louis is an optometrist and Niall is an ENT

Louis brings his stethoscope over and puts it on her chest listening to her heartbeat while I rub her back as she calms down. 

"Um, I'm hearing something I dont like. You have a heart murmur" He mutters not wanting to say it. 

whoa! Thats wow. My  baby sister has a heart murmur. 

"And you're dehydrated" He claims. "We have to start you on an I.V"

Shes not scared of needles so this should actually be easy. Niall wipes her hand off and inserts the I.V needle, taping it down and starts her on fluids. Since I'm still holding her, Liam gets a thermometer and inserts it into her ear.

"Wow high fever love. Its 103" He says

"What else hurts" I ask her and she whispers "my stomach" 

"Ok baby I'm just going to lay you down"

I lay her down on the bed flat, careful of her IV and put on some gloves. I start to push on her stomach but stop as soon as she cries out.

"Harry, stop please" She says getting overwhelmed. 

"Shh its alright hon. It'll be okay. You just have a stomach bug. We'll give you some medicine for it through the IV and you'll be better soon. We'll do a heart scan and stuff when you're better and you're up to it" I explain everything to her hoping it would calm her. 

"Kay. I'm scared" she says. 

"I know" I whisper and kiss her forehead. Her eyes start to droop and soon she falls asleep. 

Hello guys. I realized I didnt update in a long time and I'm on spring break so I just did. I dont know if my friend is writing your guys imagine right now or not because we haven't been talking that much but I'll try to see they're up as soon as possible. Thanks for all the requests, they are still open. 

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