Imagine for JenniXCX

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Calum's POV

I know somethings up with my daughter because she refuses to talk to me and whenever I try to make small talk she pushes me out of the room. I just get stressed by thinking whats wrong with her so I jog up to her room again and this time I don't knock. I enter the room to see her standing infront of the mirror with her mouth open and she was saying 'aaaah'.

"Jen, honey, do you have strep again?" I ask her getting more concerned.

"No of course not" She says with a hoarse voice. You see I'm a doctor and I can very well tell when  a patient is lying, especially young patients so I have a technique. I always trick them some how but its hard with my daughter because shes 16 and knows all my tricks. I just get worried a lot when this happens because this is the 3rd frickin time in 6 months that she has gotten strep but I needed to be sure.

"Honey, come sit down on your bed. I need to check" I tell her but as soon as I do, I see her backing out of the room. I quickly run up to her and catch her before she can run away.

"It'll be fine. Dont back out I just need to check and you know it doesnt hurt" I tell her and drag her to my room where I have my medical equipment.  I make her sot on the bed and close the door. Then I take out a Popsicle stick and my flash light. 

"Open up hon" I tell her. She sighs but agrees and opens her mouth a tiny bit. I push down on her tongue and she opens her mouth wider.

"Say aaah" I tell her once again and she complies knowing she cant get out of this.

"Hmm, babe its strep again" I say shining a flashlight down her throat. 

"Ok thats enough. We are going to a throat specialist. His name is Michael and he'll help you because these many strep throats are enough" I tell her and drag her out of the house and into the car since she was already dressed.

Jen's POV

I'm actually really nervous and I dont want more people checking my throat. It happened to my friend once, that she had strep throat once too many times and then she had to get surgery because of her tonsils and since my dad is a doctor, I know something serious is up or he would treat it himself. 

When we were in the car just sitting I got really shaky and I felt like I would pass out. My dad noticed it and sighed.

"Jen just compromise there honey, this is for you and I want you to feel better and I know you do too so please dont kick up a fuss" He tells me and in 5 minutes, we pull up to the hospital and me and my dad enter.

"Hi, I want to see Dr. Clifford for my daughter, Jennifer Hood" He tells the receptionist and she calls up to the doctors room and he said hes free so me and my dad go up there. We enter his exam room and I see so many other tools and I kind of start freaking out but remind myself that, my dad will be there through it all and this is for my best.

"Hello, Jennifer" He says shaking my hand and does the same with my dad.

"This is my assistant Ashton and he'll help me with you today" He tells me and gestures for me to sit on the exam table and I know better than to argue so I do as he says.  He gets his tools and then tell me to sit up nice and tall so I do so.

"Open up sweetie" He says but I shake my head and try to get off the table. 

"No none of that sweetie, just open up" Ashton says. I look towards my dad and he smiles warmly at me to convince me but I still dont open my mouth. 

"Jen just open your mouth" My dad says to me and I look at his facial expressions and hes not kidding so I do so whimpering. 

The doctor looks at my throat and then Ashton brings this rod thing up my mouth. 

"This is just going to go near the back of your mouth and it'll help me look in detail because it has a camera and the picture will show up on the screen" Michael explains and I just nod because I have no other choice. He puts t in my mouth and makes me say aaah and checks my throat. 

"Ok so her tonsils are inflamed and she also has a throat nodule. I recommend you see Dr. Hemmings because hes a surgeon and she'll definitely need a surgery removing these and fixing up her throat" He tells me and my dad and I seriously get super nervous and I feel like crying so hug my dad and let all my tears flow.

"Shh baby it'll be fine. Lets just meet with Luke and then we'll get you all fixed up soon" He says stroking my hair. I nod since I Can't talk much and agree with him. Dr. Michael and Ashton call Dr. Hemmings up and they have a chat about what to do.

"I can see that you are nervous so let me explain the procedure to you. Its very simple. When you come in, you'll check in to the surgery ward and they'll take you there and you'll be asked to change in a gown. Then we'll insert an I.V into your hand and give you medicine through it so you dont remember what happens and we'll perform the surgery. I've done this a lot of times before so you dont need to worry" He explains and I nod silently and just whimper getting closer to my dad. 

" So we'll schedule the surgery for tomorrow and we'll be all good to go. She'll be released the same day or the next day. Just come in at 9 am and we should be good" He tells my dad and we nod. My dad thanks him and we are on our way home. 

When we reach home, I eat some soup and then go to bed. I can't stop thinking about how scary its going to be. Its like you are really nervous or excited about something and you just cant stop thinking about it and I honestly couldn't I was thinking of all the possible things that could go wrong in the surgery and I didnt want anything to go wrong on the surgery. I was having too many thoughts so I get out of bed and i go to my dads room to see him fast asleep.

"Dad" I whisper meekly. He immediately wakes up and turns on the lamp.

"Whats wrong honey? Let me guess, is it your nerves?" He asks and I nod to both of his questions and get into bed with him. He wraps his arm around on me and sings me softly to sleep.


"wake up honey" I heard someone say and they were shaking my arm. I woke up to see my dad hovering over me taking off the blankets.

"its time to go" He reminds me and I get up from the bed and go to the bathroom and change. After we are ready we drive to the hospital and I get extremely scared by the second and I just couldn't control my nerves.

We check into the hospital and wait in the waiting room. I see Ashton come out and then he calls my name so me and my dad follow him. As Luke explained, I changed into the gown and stuff and then I was laying on the bed with my dad by my side. 

"I just have to give you this I.V" Ashton says and thats when I start to feel overwhelmed and so I start to cry but my dads quick to my rescue

"You''ll be fine. Just count to 3" He tells me and on 3 Ashton inserts the I.V and tapes it down. Luke and Michael walk in the room at the time and start telling us how the procedure goes. After that, they gave me medicine and I remember going to sleep.


I slowly open my eyes to the biding light in the room and look around to realize I am in a hospital and i Just had surgery. Of course that doesnt comforts me but its done so I'm good. I see Michael and Luke and Ashton in the corner just smiling and then they come up to me and start taking my vitals again.

"How are you feeling love?" Luke asks and tells me the surgery was a success. I just give him a thumbs up since I cant speak. I wanted to try and talk and as soon as I was about to I was stopped.

"Dont talk right now. Just write on this white board" Ashton gives me the things and I write down asking where is my dad?

"Oh he went go get coffee" As soon as Michael said that, my dad walks through the door and seems me awake so he gives me a hug. I smile at him which was weird because of the medicine but he appreciates it nothing less. 

"What kind of Popsicle do you want?" Michael asks returning to the room. I tell him grape and he gets that for me. The rest of my recovery went great and even though I was scared everything turned out to be great.

AN: I didnt read through this but thank you so much guys for the 103k reads. xx

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