Imagine for JenniXCX

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There are swear words in here. I barely swear but its just for the imagine

Jennifer's POV

"Jen, dinner's ready!" I heard my dad scream. I sighed and went to the kitchen where there was some pasta and on the counter was a bowl of popcorn. I guess he had it earlier? I picked one up and was about to pop it in my mouth before my dad snatched it. "You know you cant have that" He said in a warning tone. "But-" "No, you have braces and the popcorn will get stuck in them" He cut me off. I huffed and sat in the chair while my dad served both of us some pasta. "Can't wait till these are off my teeth" I said. We continued eating pasta. When I was done with that I went up to my room and just laid on my bed scrolling through twitter. 

You'll never get a good smile and no boy wants to date you. You bitch. Go do something else better with your life.

Ughhh, I can't believe you haven't taken those braces off. Its been 2 fucking years

They were so mean comments but then I saw good ones. 

She is so much prettier than you. Whats your problem. She can steal your man in under 2 seconds with just her looks- Amanda

That was my friend, there were like 2 or 3 more comments like that and I really appreciate my friends standing up for me but those bullies just bring me down. I ignored twitter and went on to Instagram to see the same things. I didn't know I was crying till tears wet my shirt.  I ignored the comments and went on facebook and tumblr to see the same things. I saw some people standing up for me and writing good things and telling those bullies to back off but I was too hurt to notice that. I completely lost track of time and only noticed it when my dad came in. "Jen, you should get to bed. Its getting late" He said. "Yea daddy" I said as I realized its near midnight even though it's a Friday. I got up to turn the light off but my dad stopped me. "Did you brush your teeth?" He asked. I huffed and went to the bathroom. I was brushing my teeth when I saw my dad come and observe how I was brushing. He was standing by the door frame and instructing where and how much longer to brush. "Dwad swop" I said. He walked into the room again. I rinsed my mouth and was walking out when I was stopped again. "Floss" He said. I stomped back to the sink and got a strand of floss. I started flossing and according to my dad, I did it correctly. He is my dentist/orthodontist. Thats why he is always telling me to brush and floss. "Good girl" he said after I was done. I hand him my phone because that was the rule. He doesn't want my phone to interrupt me from sleeping so he keeps it for the night. I hug him and then get under the covers. "good night baby girl" He says. "Night dad" I reply. Yes he treats me like a little girl even though I am 15.

I woke up at 7 am and went straight to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a shower and wore my favorite shirt with a guitar and music notes on it and wore black pants to match it. I walked out out of the room and into the kitchen to get something to eat but not before stopping by my dads room and getting my phone back. I walk into the kitchen to see my dad dressed in his scrubs as usual. "Morning Dad" I greet him. "Morning Jen. You have an appointment with me today so lets go. We'll see how your braces are doing." He says. I smile and grab my phone putting it in my pocket and walked to the car with him. He was driving when we decided to have small talk. "Next month will be your last tightening and then you can get your braces off" He says. "Yes daddy. Thank you so so so much" I say and keep squealing. He just chuckles and we talk some more before we reach the clinic. 

I get out of the car and enter the dentist office with him. We go into a prepared room and I sit in the chair while my dad sits on his. He puts a bib on me and lies the chair back. He points the light on my mouth and asks me to open. He first checks for cavities which I dont have and then he starts the tightening. He puts the strongest wire in and cleans my teeth.  I was on my way back home. My mouth was really sore. 

"Lets go dad" I say. "Coming Jen" He replies and we walk in side the office. Today is the day I finally get my braces off. I am so happy that I've been jumping off the walls. I really cant contain my excitement. I go into a prepared room again and my dad preps me. He was taking off my bands when he stopped. He grabbed his mirror and pulled on my left cheek and on my right cheek and sighed. He takes the tools out of my mouth allowing me to speak. "Whats wrong?" I asked scared. "Well, your brackets aren't doing their work on the top teeth and on the bottom last teeth" He said. "and..." I motioned for him to continue, "I will take off your braces and pull two of your teeth and re apply the brackets" He explains sadly. "What NO! YOU TOLD ME I COULD HAVE THEM OFF" I scream. "I'm sorry Jen but you have to wear them for another 6 months to a year. That makes me cry and I try to escape but my dad holds my shoulders so I am still laying down on the chair. "Shh Jen you'll be fine" He said and told me to take deep breaths.  "I HATE YOU!! I wanna die! These braces are killing me. I dont want them anymore!!" I scream again. "Jen shh. deep breaths" Soon I was calm and could control my breathing. Once, i was completely calm my dad started the procedure of taking my teeth out and then re applying my braces. He first numbed up my mouth and pulled my 2 teeth out and then stitched the holes. He dried my teeth and started to place the brackets again and connected the wire and bands. It didnt hurt too much but I was emotionally hurt. 

As soon as we reached home I stormed off to my room and locked my door. I can't believe he did that to me. All the hate is killing me and I cant control it anymore. I skip dinner and was about to fall asleep when my dad knocked on the door. "Please let me in" He begged. I muttered something under my breath but let him in. He sat on my bed facing me and started talking. "I am so sorry baby girl. I just want whats best for you. You wont even know and you'll have the best smile ever. I didn't notice about your brackets before. I love you and I am really sorry" He apologized. It melted my heart to hear that so I decided to forgive him. "It's okay dad, I love you too" I said and hugged him. "Hey bud, I saw on your phone about all the hate. Whats going on?" He asked. "Oh nothing. Just some kids saying that I have the worst smile because of my braces and stuff" I said cutting it short. "Well, I think you should change schools to get away from all the hate" He suggests. I agreed with him "Thank you so much" I tell him. "I'll do anything to protect my baby girl" He replies.

AN: Ok I can't thank you guys enough for the 50k reads?! 50k?!!! OMFG!! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! I know its the weekend but I still dont know when I'll update again because I am just going through a rough time and many family problems. I need some time to myself but writing helps me so I may update again today or not update for a bit. I dont know either so I'm sorry about that. STILL THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!!! 

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