Imagine for ZaynsHottieGirl (Doctor)

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AN: You guys have to read ZaynsHottieGirl (s) books. She is an amazing writer so check her books out. Love you guys xx.

Prompt: I want an imagine where a girl is Zayn's sister and has to get a check up and he lies to her about it and then they have to give her shots and do blood tests and gets scared about it The girl's name can be Melanie and she's 1 year old.


Zayn's POV

I was sitting in the kitchen when I saw Louis come downstairs with a stressed look on his face. I kind of ignored that look and I started thinking about how I was going to trick my 1 year old sister, Melanie to go to the doctors which would be us. She is so afraid even though she is 1 she will scream her lungs out and that worries me.

"Hey mate did you wake Mel up. She is gong to be cranky if we tell her so lets trick her" Louis said.

"Yea of course thats what I was thinking" I replied. You see the guys were on a break and went to live with their parents for a bit but me and Louis decided to stay at my house where my sister was too and today we had to take her to her clinic. Besides the thoughts, I went upstairs to her room and saw her sleeping in her crib rolled up in a small ball. She is so adorable and I love her so much!!

"Mel, baby wake up" I said slightly shaking her. She didn't reply and kept her eyes closed even though I knew she was awake. So, I picked her up and put her on my hip and started rocking her while rubbing her back. She slowly opened her eyes and when she saw me she smiled. I smiled back and kissed her on the cheek. 

"Lets go see Lou" I told her. She didn't reply so I went with it. I took her downstairs and as soon as she saw Louis she screamed.

"Lou- lou!!" she screamed. Mel loved him like a brother. 

"Hey cupcake, lets give you breakfast and then you can go change so we can go to the mall" Louis told her she nodded. I sat her in her high chair and Louis took some apple sauce out. 

"Open" Louis instructed. She listened and Louis fed her the little box of apple sauce then I took her upstairs to change her nappy and clothes. After she was dressed, Me and Louis took her to the car and strapped her to her car seat. She shrieked loudly and held her arms up. I was driving and Louis was beside her. She was raising her arms by meaning that she wants to sit in Louis lap.

"No sorry baby, you gotta sit there" she shrieked again and started crying. Louis rubbed her forearm and cooed at her. She calmed down in 2 minutes the latest and we also reached the clinic in 10 min. I took her out of her car seat and we all entered the clinic. I took her to an exam room and put her on the table. Louis said that he would keep Mel calm while I could do to the exam.

"NO, we buy toys, Why we here?" Mel asked.

"Baby, we will buy toys here first we have to do this" Louis explained to her. She hesitantly nodded and Louis put her in his lap.

"Louis just keep her in your lap" I told him. He listened and did what I asked.

"OK Mel lay back in his arms" I said as I pushed her shoulders down. She listened and laid down. I took my stethoscope out and listened to her breathing.

"Ok Mel, just feeling your tummy" I informed her. She still had tears in her eyes so I quickly did the stomach exam not wanting to make her more upset.

"Ok sit up" she did as I asked and hugged me.

"Oh baby I love you" I said and hugged her back. "But we are not done" I told her. She pouted and crossed her arms. She doesn't talk much, she's more like a quiet person like me. 

"Look at the wall behind me" she looked at the sticker." everything looks good in her eyes" I said and quickly checked her ears and throat which were completely fine too. Then I checked her pulse and b.p which was no problem. After all of that, I checked her vaccination chart to see she needs 4 shots and a blood test. I whispered it all to Louis and he gave me a thumbs up so I quickly got all the stuff I need and walked inside the room. Louis laid Mel on the table in which she let out a soft cry. Louis rubbed her tummy as that always calmed her down and started to distract her but it didn't work out well.

"No LOU LOU!! LEMME GO" she screamed. She knew that she was getting a shot.

"Shh Mel calm down" I told her

"NO NO. No thots (shots)  PWEASE" she whined. 

"Sorry baby" I said as I quickly lifted her dress up and inserted the needle in her thigh. She started kicking and screaming on top of her lungs.

"AAAH OWWIEE OUT" she screamed. She was screaming like crazy while I did 2 shots in each leg. After I was done she said, "I dont wike (like) you or Lou" she said crying.

"I am so sorry baby, but we need you to stay healthy because we all love you very much" I tried to explain it to her. She hugged me and said sorry. While she was hugging me I held her hand on my back and Louis inserted the needle for the blood test.


"Shh almost done babe" Louis said and took the needle out and put a band-aid on. She was crying hysterically. We got in the car again and drove him while she was crying and Louis was trying to cheer her up. When we reached our house I took her inside and to the kitchen to make her bottle then I went over to the couch and laid her on my lap. She quickly tried to get up thinking she was getting another needle.

"No baby no more owiees, dont worry" I told her.

"Pwomise" she asked

"Yea babe for now" I told her

"Ok Zaynie" she said and laid back in my arms. I quickly put the bottle on her lips but she refused. 

"Please babe drink this" I said and with that she started sucking it like her life depended on it. After 10 min I looked in my arms and saw her asleep so put her into her crib and walked back to the living room to see Louis watching T.V. We chatted a bit. I love Melanie and I hate to leave her here but I also love being in a band. Hopefully she will not wake up for another 3 hours cause I crushed a sleeping pill in her milk. She was crying hysterically and that had to stop but I still love her very much!

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